If patriotism '..IS the last refuge of the scoundrel'?
(And when ever did Mencken get-it-wrong?)
We need an imaginative similar koan for,
Obstructionism is the last refuge of the ?_____?
(Simultaneously: as to the ongoing msm- et al's complete amnesia/disinterest in the Difference between some flavor of 'Conservatism™' -VS-
all that is implicit in that Other politico-category, Reactionism)
-- I don't expect nuance ever to enter the yes/no digital-think habit / that now rampant anathema of this Age of Decline.
And of hamster cages full of people mesmerized by a screen full of numbers for 8 hrs./day
-- (or is it now more like 10-12? what with work-brought-home + cel-fone umbilical.)
Carrion with the slogans; they all just merge into white noise anyway. After a few decades of the sillier ones.