You're caught in the same bind as those on my "side". Money is cheap (if you qualify), and it makes sense to invest when your competition is afraid to, labor is cheap, inflation is low, why not invest now? Because there isn't enough demand. You've got to be able to generate the cash flow to pay down the loans, even if the loans are cheap. Without sufficient customers, you're not going to invest in your business.
So investment isn't going to magically happen on its own.
I'm not saying invest in housing and try to reinflate the bubble. We both agree that more needs to be spent on infrastructure. Lots of other things need to be bought which will get money into the economy and help things recover sooner. That'll gradually build a floor under housing and increase the rate of recovery.
It's not going to be easy to increase demand, but it's not going to happen on its own. Krugman was right - the stimulus/recovery act spending needed to be bigger because the federal government is the only entity that can increase demand now.