US unilateral militarization of space - for the duration (of sentient life [??] on the planet). 'Star Wars' is just the rubric for obtaining unlimited fear-funds, to further embed the Military Budget, at ever-increasing %-GNP: for our comfort and safety as we expand Empire. But please to call it "defense". (We disbanded The War Department long ago - back when we used language often correctly)

Never mind.. what Other programs, especially any aimed at the unwashed lower 40%, or education, housing, medical -- as have to be gutted next, to support this Master of the Planet megalomania.

Ever thus: declare a nice little open-ended War on Evil, or maybe War on Not Nice-to-USness. Get 99% votes "for mythical Unity". Speak often about Patriotism, Liberty, Freedom and.. God.

Pshaw. Child-politics R' US.