An overall aim, as seems to fit the machinations all around:

Unilateral US control of space, by any other euphemism - whether or not a part of this 'officially' includes also: future explorations, *mining* of the moon, asteroids yada yada.

The short-term vastly increased expenditures to select Mil-spec Corps - is only the tip of this simplistic-minded iceberg. The tech details have been discussed for decades already - physics hasn't changed, but attention span has noticeably shortened.

I heard Bushie admonishing Congress just recently to, "get with the program" and not do anything to destroy this (~~) "unity of purpose'.

Shit. Will we *ever* learn how to substitute blab for such doggerel? and immediately laugh in its face, forcing a rewording into English. ('Course it's hard to rebut a Resident on Tee Vee; that's never part of the format - to hear the minority / the loyal opposition - except after that annual pageant, The State of the Nation ghost-speech.)

Hmmm a precedent?
