IWETHEY v. 0.3.0 | TODO
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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New But there's Stormtroopers in this one!
And lots of jedi and lightsabres and ship battles and city scenes... Oh. Nevermind... :-)
New Hyuck, yuck yuck. :)
They lost a customer with the last craptacular event. No more money from me for any more Star Wars.
With this much manure around, there must be a pony somewhere.
New Don't forget Boba Fett and his daddy
as well as Anakin Skywalker's walk to the dark side. But I've said too much already! :)

Star Wars II: Attack Of The Clones will redefine what it means to be a real "Space Opera". The love/hate relationship between the Queen and Anakin will maybe get some more of the girl/women audience. If it has Soap Opera elements, maybe the guy's date won't dump a bucket of popcorn on his head for dragging her to see the movie?

I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
     Why Star Wars II won't work - (Silverlock) - (16)
         skeet shoot scaled up is faulty tech? - (boxley)
         True. And we'll never put a man on the moon either. - (bepatient) - (1)
             Gunpowder, hell! Imagine the rifling, and what THAT would do -NT - (imric)
         The GAO reports are here. - (Another Scott) - (1)
             So fire TRW & Boeing and get another contractor. - (marlowe)
         Hmmm. Link managed to bomb Mozilla .9.8 TWICE - (Ashton) - (1)
             I'm running .98, and didn't have any problem -NT - (wharris2)
         What a manure-laced article - (wharris2) - (3)
             It's not that it can't work - (Silverlock)
             It's the marketing that bugs me - (mhuber) - (1)
                 But it is a great 'umbrella' for - (Ashton)
         Doesn't matter if it (ever) would work. It's about - (Ashton)
         But there's Stormtroopers in this one! - (lister) - (2)
             Hyuck, yuck yuck. :) - (Silverlock)
             Don't forget Boba Fett and his daddy - (orion)
         Star Wars II: Missile Command - (orion)

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