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New Hmmm. Link managed to bomb Mozilla .9.8 TWICE
not even Task Manager, to kill it. Reboot. And this with f/wall, filters, no j-script, etc. yada yada. First clear-cut .9.8 Achilles heel - wonder what noxiou-M$ spawn resides there.. Anyone else see weirdness? (The page began to load, so Ariana's name and some sentences appeared before lock-up.)

Gotta try 4.5 now ;-) I'll get back with this riveting tale of adventure in the *New* Dismal Science: vying with Econ. for, #1 in turgidity.

Hah!! NS 4.5 loads it just fine. So much for the cognoscenti's appellation of 4.5 as "a POS". Something glass-fragile in .9.8? SO ugly it needs a &^$#$% reboot, on two occasions?

Sheesh, maybe time to trot out NS 3.05 - smaller yet, seemed quite stable for *years* - even if it hasn't a prayer of playing with the new gyrating otters and translucent skins on radio buttons and... what a crock webpages are becoming. ('Cept zIWE natch.)

{sigh} Can't anybody make a fucking browser that doesn't eat itself?
Expand Edited by Missing User 70 March 15, 2002, 03:31:00 PM EST
New I'm running .98, and didn't have any problem
Where each demon is slain, more hate is raised, yet hate unchecked also multiplies. - L. E. Modesitt
     Why Star Wars II won't work - (Silverlock) - (16)
         skeet shoot scaled up is faulty tech? - (boxley)
         True. And we'll never put a man on the moon either. - (bepatient) - (1)
             Gunpowder, hell! Imagine the rifling, and what THAT would do -NT - (imric)
         The GAO reports are here. - (Another Scott) - (1)
             So fire TRW & Boeing and get another contractor. - (marlowe)
         Hmmm. Link managed to bomb Mozilla .9.8 TWICE - (Ashton) - (1)
             I'm running .98, and didn't have any problem -NT - (wharris2)
         What a manure-laced article - (wharris2) - (3)
             It's not that it can't work - (Silverlock)
             It's the marketing that bugs me - (mhuber) - (1)
                 But it is a great 'umbrella' for - (Ashton)
         Doesn't matter if it (ever) would work. It's about - (Ashton)
         But there's Stormtroopers in this one! - (lister) - (2)
             Hyuck, yuck yuck. :) - (Silverlock)
             Don't forget Boba Fett and his daddy - (orion)
         Star Wars II: Missile Command - (orion)

Any more detail than what's there and you'd have to have the magic software they use in movies to pull a license plate out of five pixels.
49 ms