we just had another round of layoffs here. Our sales have dropped quite a bit since December - one of our better customer's demand has dropped to 15% of what it was in December. While we have been working on diversifying our income, it's better to raise up the other numbers than to drop the bigger ones :-(

The IS department hasn't been hit yet. Our network guy left in December. We were looking to replace him but then the sales started to drop. We've only 3 people, the manager(and programmer), myself(programmer/edi), and the pc(and now network) guy. We're getting ready for a move to a new facility in which IS is playing a big part.

The PC guy and I suspect that once we've moved, then IS will be fair game if there's another round of layoffs. We've also considered the possibility that IS was hit with a layoff, but it has been delayed due to the move. Needless to say, I've dug up my resume and have been getting it up to date. Our move is scheduled for the weekend of the 17th, so I'll be putting out some feelers. I don't want to leave, I really like working here, but figure it's best to have options ready.