that this isn't a relative calling up and saying that my grandmother died, or a great uncle passed away - this is someone who I've literally grown up with and known for decades, and suddenly he's gone. Being only 4 months older than me has affected me in a way that I can't put into words. Scary is the best I've got right now.
Owl, thanks for the weather info. I still retain my winter driving skills, having worked in Chicago last winter. However, has an advisory out for many of the Midwest interstates: high winds through Saturday, snow-covered roads and even some sections getting shut down due to drifting snow and poor visibility. If I were to drive, it's possible that I wouldn't make by the funeral Saturday morning if the weather shuts down the interstates or forces cars to drive very slowly. I'm going to risk flying into O'Hare Friday morning and take public transportation.