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New Eh? You ever lived in a superfund affected city?
So the lawyers make money off this. So f*cking what? The crap gets cleaned. I lived in Waukegan IL for many years. That harbor was a national disgrace. You can now swim in it, eat the fish caught there and swim in the water, and not have to watch giant, mutant, green eyed seagulls snatch babys from their mother's arms and eat them in mid air... oops, sorry. I guess I read too many science fiction books.
With this much manure around, there must be a pony somewhere.
New Lake Erie was getting cleaned up before Superfund
Superfund sites are *specific* chemical contamination sites, not just general pollution. I don't know if the Waukegan harbor is a Superfund site, or if its cleaning is just a matter of enforcing environmental regulations.

I don't mind lawyers getting paid. I *do* mind them getting paid mega-millions for paper pushing any legal intern could do (and at their legal firms, probably did do).
Where each demon is slain, more hate is raised, yet hate unchecked also multiplies. - L. E. Modesitt
New same issue goes for the endangered species act
legitimate areas that need assistance go unhelped while lawyers rake in bucks by using activists lawsuits on economic targets.
There is no difference between a "settler," "soldier," "secular," or "Chassidic Jew." The target is the JEW.
\ufffd Harvey Tannenbaum
New I do know
Outboard Marine dumped PCBs in that harbor for years. Waukegan was, in fact, and still is, a superfund clean up site. About a year left to go until all the dredging is complete.

BTW, Waukegan is on Lake Michigan, not Erie.
With this much manure around, there must be a pony somewhere.
Expand Edited by Silverlock March 12, 2002, 11:49:04 AM EST
     Superfund trust fund tax going away - (bconnors) - (9)
         Only a Bush-Republican could love the timing, too - - (Ashton)
         Not sure that's a bad thing - seriously - (wharris2) - (6)
             An interesting angle - (Ashton)
             Eh? You ever lived in a superfund affected city? - (Silverlock) - (3)
                 Lake Erie was getting cleaned up before Superfund - (wharris2) - (2)
                     same issue goes for the endangered species act - (boxley)
                     I do know - (Silverlock)
             Not just lawyers. - (admin)
         I'm sorry to see it go, but - (Ric Locke)

I strongly recommend 72 as a good default.
152 ms