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New I do know
Outboard Marine dumped PCBs in that harbor for years. Waukegan was, in fact, and still is, a superfund clean up site. About a year left to go until all the dredging is complete.

BTW, Waukegan is on Lake Michigan, not Erie.
With this much manure around, there must be a pony somewhere.
Collapse Edited by Silverlock March 12, 2002, 11:49:04 AM EST
I do know
Outboard Marine dumped PCBs in that harbor for years. Waukegan was, in fact, and still is, a superfund clean up site. About a year left to go until all the dredging is complete.
With this much manure around, there must be a pony somewhere.
     Superfund trust fund tax going away - (bconnors) - (9)
         Only a Bush-Republican could love the timing, too - - (Ashton)
         Not sure that's a bad thing - seriously - (wharris2) - (6)
             An interesting angle - (Ashton)
             Eh? You ever lived in a superfund affected city? - (Silverlock) - (3)
                 Lake Erie was getting cleaned up before Superfund - (wharris2) - (2)
                     same issue goes for the endangered species act - (boxley)
                     I do know - (Silverlock)
             Not just lawyers. - (admin)
         I'm sorry to see it go, but - (Ric Locke)

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- Steven Wright
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