http://www.mikevital....iwt?postid=15076so in the list you pulled where does it say that I will support and vote for her?
in these forums I stated that I would never vote for her or mccain or obama or clinton or biden
any claim otherwise is a crock of shit and you know it
Post #15077
By folkert
7/29/09 11:16:49 AM
Its your story, tell it like you want.
But many of us... well, we can usually tell when we are being snookered.
In your own words, she's a strong woman who's not whitebread, and that scares people. She is as smart as Biden, just doesn't speak as well. She was a good governor with real Biden is smarter than her? The same guy who is being sent to his room again for fucking up on the world stage?
She did accomplish a gas line deal that has been out of reach since 1981. Got a bi-partisan state government for the first time since Hammond and cowpie. Not too bad. Got tired of the bullshit and quit. Fine swell bye.
So why in the FUCK is the rest of America, you in ohio, greg in michegan every human in the media so damned scared of her? In the real world she wouldnt get any more attention than maxine waters or the Boyle woman.