Nothing about Palin. Describes Republican party dirty tricks.
Linked article is entirely about McCain. Only mentions Palin as the person who called him a Maverick.
Claim that hate speech is coming from both sides. In context, a defense of the behavior at Palin rallies essentially being no worse than what is said be Democrats.
Did in fact say you preferred Obama to McCain until the vote on the surveillence bill.
So, nothing from your links showing your opposition, or lack of support. How about some others?
Repeats quotes saying she will be back, and better for the experience.
Those who oppose her are misogynist. (Ha ha, only kidding with a smiley.)
Again repeating quotes about her strength.
Oh hell, let's just jump to where you admit it:
I defend her altho I would never vote for her because of the constant "she dont talk walk or act like us so must be a retard" annoys me.
Well, that's just saying you defend her because you're tired of the bashing. But do you actually support her?
after observing this crew for a while, and watching the national media for a while and listening, evesdropping on regular folks, I think I see why you have such a viceral response to Palin
She dont act whitebread
Obama has learned to act whitebread
She is strong willed, has a bunch of kids, one who most folks think she should have aborted
Obama talks white, has but 2 kids and a wife who was quickly gotten off stage is she spoke forcefully
As paglia noted she appears to be a strong women without whitebread speaking patterns. Her shared knowledgebase is as good as tail gunner joes.
A strong woman with kids and a househusband who doesnt live in an acceptable surburban environment just scares a lot of people. She is a functioning governor who cleaned up her own party and insisted that the cozy relationship with oil and government be dealt fairly. An idiot cannot do things like that.
In your own words, she's a strong woman who's not whitebread, and that scares people. She is as smart as Biden, just doesn't speak as well. She was a good governor with real accomplishments.