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New Lemme get this straight
You didn't think she should be elected, but that was for good and noble reasons. When other people pointed out problems with her, it wasn't because of those problems. It was actually a hack job because she's not a lesbian.

So people who support Democrats -- or oppose Republicans -- only like women who are lesbians; support teaching of jihad in schools; and don't want the U.S. to produce any of its own energy.

[edit] And I see Crazy beat me to it, with more pith.

Collapse Edited by drook July 29, 2009, 11:06:52 AM EDT
Lemme get this straight
You didn't think she should be elected, but that was for good and noble reasons. When other people pointed out problems with her, it wasn't because of those problems. It was actually a hack job because she's not a lesbian.

Se people who support Democrats -- or oppose Republicans -- only like women who are lesbians; support teaching of jihad in schools; and don't want the U.S. to produce any of its own energy.

New Watch out for that first step...
its a doo-zy.

Wow, man way to sum up his own words from his own posts...

Next thing you know he is going to start playing the part of Michelle Merlin: "Read me in my posts!"
New other people pointed out
that her son was really her grandson
she advocated burning books
when a real democratic lesbian defended Palin she was branded insane and republican
that Palin spent mone on clothes
that palin was ethically challenged by her husband calling a trooper boss to fire the crazy brother in law
which reasonable point above were you advocating?

Se people who support Democrats -- or oppose Republicans -- only like women who are lesbians; support teaching of jihad in schools; and don't want the U.S. to produce any of its own energy.
So people who support democrats and deeply hate republicans dont care about rape rack and ruin as long as they parrot the party line.

Any republican who acts the same way must be instantly vilified as evil

Hows that change and transparency thing going? Wiretapping guantamano rendition signing statements et al

New A perceived reason
"Any republican who acts the same way must be instantly vilified as evil "

Because IN GENERAL (I love escape hatches), Republicans are associated with do less for other people not in their immediate community, keep their money, and maintain an isolationist community viewpoint. Unless of course they are spreading the word of Jesus.

Democrats are associated with taxing other people, using that money to fund some possibly worthwhile stuff, but doing it wrong (even if the stuff was needed), and the vast majority of money is simply wasted.

So, Republicans see Democrats as simply stupid, not evil, at least until the tax man comes with a gun to take your stuff. It is assumed that their stupidity is obvious, because they vote for politicians that are obviously immoral and corrupt. Like Slick Willie. Of course, those that oppose the word of Jesus are assumed to either be ignorant or evil, and if not converted must be killed. Ok, maybe a bit of paranoia there. But not enough based on the real possibility of violent attack.

Democrats, on the other hand, can easily pick out the rantings of whatever Republican is on CNN, playing to their local base, getting into war cry mode, and ascribe it to evil (lower case e) intentions. And lets face it, a lot of people have suffered due to one of the few capital Evils around, ie: Cheney, who is one of the main Republican standard bearers for the moment. And of course, let's not forget that violent attack the religious people are prone to do.

Bottom line, Republicans are losing, and it is simply demographics. They are dying off, too few people are joining up, and their message doesn't seem to work.

Oh well. You better push your alternative party hard, or become an active Democrat if you want to have a say in the political future.
New give me a different democratic party
one without the jackboots and with a sense of humor but I dont want to end up like arlo guthrie
now that is an uphill battle
New None of the above
My reasonable point about her has always been that she seemed way over her head in any discussion of world affairs.

That she didn't seem particularly bright, nor even all that well coached -- which admittedly is close enough for most politicians, considering how well the talking heads stay on-script.

That she had no visible points to make other than attacks, soundbites, style-over-substance, and folksiness.

That every accomplishment she tried to claim in her tenure as mayor or governor turned out to be much less than what she claimed, or in fact completely opposite what she claimed.

And finally, though this is not technically her flaw, the fact that every defense of her seems to come down to one of two things: You're afraid of her, because she's a strong woman who is also a conservative. Or ... Some Democratic politicians have similar flaws.

By the way, what "rape rack and ruin" are you talking about?

New Re: None of the above
"My reasonable point about her has always been that she seemed way over her head in any discussion of world affairs. "
excellent true point
rape rack ruin
clinton and NOW support for him after sexual battery charges. Didnt matter what he did it was what he said and stood for, how two faces is that?

rack as in rendition to counties that rack decried by dems no word now even tho it still takes place and was not specifically changed by obama

ruin, the financial mess we are in, decride as all bush's fault but the mess called stimulus passed by the dems, signed by the president is leading us to ruin
New Yes and no
All three of your points are true. I also pointed out the hypocrisy of NOW looking the other way on Clinton.

Where I disagree is that people have been silent on the other two.

New fair enough
     Shatner performs Palin's resignation speech - (SpiceWare) - (31)
         sniff, makes me honesick, thanx kirk -NT - (boxley)
         gawker on Palin's resignation speech - (rcareaga) - (29)
             the broad is a wingnut - (boxley) - (28)
                 Wow - (crazy) - (26)
                     bushwa son - (boxley) - (24)
                         Ahh - (crazy)
                         Lemme get this straight - (drook) - (8)
                             Watch out for that first step... - (folkert)
                             other people pointed out - (boxley) - (6)
                                 A perceived reason - (crazy) - (1)
                                     give me a different democratic party - (boxley)
                                 None of the above - (drook) - (3)
                                     Re: None of the above - (boxley) - (2)
                                         Yes and no - (drook) - (1)
                                             fair enough -NT - (boxley)
                         Not particularly truthful... - (folkert) - (13)
                             bullshit folkert, right from the nomination - (boxley) - (12)
                                 Ok... - (folkert) - (11)
                                     maybe you should ease up on yer meds - (boxley) - (10)
                                         Fact check - (drook) - (9)
                                             better get out yer reading glasses - (boxley) - (8)
                                                 Where does the "scared" meme come from? - (drook) - (7)
                                                     not drook personally - (boxley) - (5)
                                                         Why she's still being talked about - (mhuber) - (4)
                                                             obama is funny - (boxley) - (2)
                                                                 That's the theory - (mhuber) - (1)
                                                                     you heard the reworked stamp joke right? - (boxley)
                                                             ICLRPD - (jake123)
                                                     I admit I was scared if.. - (folkert)
                     Agreed... - (folkert)
                 Re: Fireweed - (a6l6e6x)

Happiness is a lint filter full of thwarted pinworms.
148 ms