Okay, so there is no automatic quoting feature. Giving this a try.

(Note, same post as the one made without blockquotes...testing it).

Hola Owlet; nice you weren't drowned a while back; that soggy midwest: some place in Kansas, IIRC -- produced the hugest inches/hour rainfall ever in US, way-back.

Yeah, we have had a lot of rain, and more is on the way. Haven't drowned yet, but fortunately, we're not too close to any main bodies of water.

Oh.. Skip the ping pong practice for awhile, y'hear?!?

Hehehe, don't play ping-pong, but have been trying Breakout with the right hand. I can move the mouse and type limitedly with the right hand since that faces downward.

Sympathies.. being unable to move hand/arm for the simplest task, is about the only experience we get of ~1% of the plight of the Iraqi-bombed returnees. At least it Will go away -- keep looking Up...s l o w l y

The worst is I can't write very well, I can't hold the pen right. I also have fun trying to eat since I can't use my right hand for that at all. But yeah, I'm taking it a day at a time. Thanks so much for answering me, Ashton!
