Evengelicals are about to take a big hit. Not from some backlash, not from secularism or some anti-Christian movement. From math.
Evangelism is God's own pyramid scheme. You get your divine brownie points from converting others. And those converts go out and get more converts. Logarithmic. No converts, no points. OK, maybe a few points, but it's like trying to do Amway by selling product. The real purpose is converts. That's what "evangelism" means. That's why the mega-churches and the Madison Avenue crap works so well - it's all about bringing them in. Once you get them, well, you screw around with phony-ass issues like pretending blastocysts are people and gay marriage is a threat to other marriage.
Like any pyramid scheme, eventually you run out of marks. The last level is out there not getting their lives validated because there is nobody left to convert. Regular Christianity hit that wall at various times and resorted to conversion by force and sending missionaries to Africa. But those are temporary solutions - the logarithmic math eats Africa in no time flat and conversion by force is expensive, unsatisfying, and doesn't keep up with logarithmic math for long. Regular Christianity switched over to other ways of keeping score. My own parish has a missionary force in Mexico where there is nobody to convert. Our missionaries perform lots of good works, but they are more likely to score a conversion while reporting to the parish than while in the field. That makes them not evangelical.
Evangelicals are going to start losing because the market is saturated. And people are going to drop out in significant numbers because they are losing. One might hope that most of those who drop out will switch to seeking meaning in feeding the hungry or becoming more compassionate people or something, but history suggests most will find some other club to try to get others to join.