Maybe the omnipresent violence in everything from daily action flics, to bizness 'kill the competition' to -- just all those common phrases which by now, most of us don't even hear anymore (for familiarity): have begun to induce fear in the ~5+ year olds?

This as opposed to (as I guess most of us remember) - just acting-out the latest oater: wherein the White hats always beat the Black hats. Bang! Bang! yer dead... -- no kid really felt personally threatened by such IIRC.

So.. now.. some are? (feeling personally threatened}? Easy to dismiss the above as an absurdity -- but the 'adult' mentioned: claimed that these kids were piss-scared.

Canaries? A couple kids more easily spooked than what we always supposed? Guns ARE everywhere and kid-gangs have them as well as beaming adults with their collections.

2-3 year olds are known to say, I hate you. I wish you were dead... We usually attribute that to - the fact of not possessing discrimination about words. But now..? So I ask:

Since there are no more 'innocent oaters'.. but frequent movies and games depicting in livid colo(u)r: heaped dead burned bodies / mirrored by news from the US or nearby places ie current events.

Is it yet time that: children may no longer 'play' with guns, for that being just too close to daily horrific events? Just as (and as depicted in Forbidden Games; was that Truffaut?) it would be considered aberrant behavior - were kids to play at making little cemeteries..

Just wondering,


It's never too early to inculcate a natural aversion to.. objects whose only purpose is to kill - often randomly. And today - as often: for fun / sport. (Even other kids, if yer inna gang. Or just sitting at your desk in school. Or.. in your bedroom, in certain parts of town. Or...)