Siebel "partnered" with Microsoft Great Plains, allowing Microsoft to inexpensively learn just how one would integrate CRM with Great Plains, so now it's time to eat Siebel's lunch.
At last report Siebel was still waiting to hear from Microsoft about the current status of their "partnership" (victimhood).
Of course, MS CRM is still in beta, but the impact on Siebel's product should be immediate. "Why go with Siebel now, when Microsoft will have their product ready "real soon now", and then Siebel will start having inexplicable problems. Lets wait."
It does amuse me to watch one technology company after another walk eagerly through the feedlot gate, oblivious to the door on the other side clearly marked "Slaughterhouse.NET", and to the fact that the feedlot fence is built of the bones of previous feeders.
"Our long range plan? Yes we're already working on where to have lunch!"
Microsoft Great Plains is currently being recoded in C# for .Net compatibility. Release of the .NET version will be an excellent point at which to break Siebel's compatibility. "We gave them all the help we could to transition to .NET, but they just didn't try hard enough."
Meeting the projected future revenue figures for the Great Plains group will require the demise of practically every other publisher of accounting software for Windows, and expansion into other sources of revenue. I'm sure they have compensated in their market figures for that fact that a number of software publishers will not, in the future, require accounting software of any kind.