Post #294,744
10/18/07 9:24:53 AM

Tanning... bah!
I just got a melanoma removed. As I understand the quacks instructions, I'm to spend the rest of my life in the basement with the lights off, wearing a burka...
Post #294,746
10/18/07 9:27:54 AM

Ouch, and damn.
Ok, no tanning. I'll wear sunscreen.
Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
Post #294,748
10/18/07 9:44:49 AM

Probably a good idea :)
Still, I do wonder how people survived before the 80's when sunscreen became popular. I think I remember sunscreen in the 80's but I suppose it could have been earlier.
Post #294,752
10/18/07 10:01:07 AM

The question comes up here, too.
I don't know the numbers for melanoma, but ISTR they are detecting it earlier and that not only leads to more diagnoses, but also more successful treatments.
I remember ads for different levels of SPF. "SPF 4 for those who tan easily..." :-)
Is it enough to love Is it enough to breathe Somebody rip my heart out And leave me here to bleed
| | Is it enough to die Somebody save my life I'd rather be Anything but Ordinary Please
-- "Anything but Ordinary" by Avril Lavigne. | · my · · [link||blog] · · [link||website] · |
Post #294,753
10/18/07 10:06:45 AM

[link||Sunscreens Can Damage Skin, Researchers Find]: "Sunscreens do an excellent job protecting against sunburn when used correctly," said Hanson, who works in the laboratory of Christopher Bardeen, an assistant professor of chemistry at UCR. "This means using a sunscreen with a high sun protection factor and applying it uniformly on the skin. Our data show, however, that if coverage at the skin surface is low, the UV filters in sunscreens that have penetrated into the epidermis can potentially do more harm than good. More advanced sunscreens that ensure that the UV-filters stay on the skin surface are needed; such filters would reduce the level of UV-induced ROS. Another solution may be to mix the UV-filters with antioxidants since antioxidants have been shown to reduce UV-induced ROS levels in the skin."
"For now, the best advice is to use sunscreens and re-apply them often -- the Skin Cancer Foundation recommends every two hours, and especially after sweating or swimming, which can wash away sunscreen -- to reduce the amount of UV radiation from getting through to filters that have penetrated the skin," Bardeen said. "This, in turn, would reduce ROS generation." ROS is "reactive oxygen species". This study was funded by the Worldwide Association to Promote Maximum Sunscreen Consumption. (Not really.) FWIW. Cheers, Scott. (Who hates sunscreen, but who rarely goes to the beach.)
Post #294,771
10/18/07 3:34:37 PM

Re: I do wonder how people survived before the 80's
when sunscreen became popular.
The hole in the ozone layer wasn't as bad, ergo, the burning wasn't as fast or as intense.
I feel sorry for my grandchildren and their children. They will have to wear radiation suits to go outside to play. :-(
Smile, Amy
Post #294,800
10/18/07 9:03:51 PM

We didn't
We just died of lots of other things sooner, so we didn't notice it.
Post #294,829
10/19/07 6:17:58 AM

True that, and the LRPD I got for this:
Yeah, but they were all dying of the plague anyway... There was an old saw that went something like: Q: What did doctors do for patients before they could diagnose all these complicated diseases? A: Buried them.
Post #294,831
10/19/07 6:56:32 AM

Post #294,839
10/19/07 8:24:47 AM

Sure we had sunscreen. Even way back in the 70's
And bug repellant too.
I remember mixing it up while working on my uncle's farm. Equal parts of motor oil and diesel fuel.
Worked great.
Of course nothing would come close...
Also great cure for wrinkles.
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. (Herm Albright)
Post #294,840
10/19/07 8:29:53 AM

Bet you didn't squeak either :-)
Smile, Amy
Post #294,846
10/19/07 9:43:07 AM

I seem to recall Baby oil mixed with Iodine.
----------------------------------------- Restore the Constitution. Elect [link||Chris Dodd].
Post #294,848
10/19/07 10:01:51 AM

That was to attract the rays, not repel.
Smile, Amy