Nah - just hadn't read enough foribuses yet
to see the extent / why all the Unpleasantness at the Belonna Club.
After further perusal I had this take: since he realizes ever so more precisely than I, the possible clean-up drill (had the s/ware been rendered less idiot-proof, say? - by a lesser Admin) - this seems an action of someone spooked, by whatever. Annoying - apparently.
Malicious? never entered my pretty little head. Surely there is no simmering techno-marlowe at work here. Or a sort who might drop in with a passel of made-up names from some B-grade space opera.
(Though there certainly are a lot of cryptic unused handles stuffing our login ballot box. Guess someone wants to see '1000' - just to see 1000?)
Could circumstances have forced him to work, for a number of weeks -- in a city-block sized room full of Windows Server 2xxx-WTF, and AD? (I read through that manual once, peeped 'AD' and.. I'd eat ground glass before ..) Or some other IT-water-boarding equivalent?
Perhaps he'll explain, if not sent to Coventry first (?) Hope so.
I guess I'm more tolerant of aberrant behaviour, now; there's more of it around.
Could hardly be surprising, here in the Fatherland. We must desensitize selves, save the energy / consider the Milieu: our naive national experiment in laissez-faire, letting delinquents act out all their repressed Power fantasies for all these years: WTF would you expect?
(And the full measure of keening, gnashing of teeth.. hasn't even been glimpsed, yet - wait'll we-all see what it's like here - in 2008.)