And if the states are GOING to be stupid, why worry about it?
More to the point would be >IF< they can show that MS has setup un-needed dependencies or just cobbled together unrelated functions into bloated .dll's in order to leverage their OS monopoly (and control) to hinder Netscape (or advantage IE).
This should be clear once the states get the source code.
Well, more likely it will come down to OPINIONS as to whether one way is better than the other.
Particularly if the states (and their experts) can correct some of the source code and produce a version of Windows with the .dll's split up into a more modular design. And a more easily replaced design.
But this is just speculation until the states have the source code (the correct, complete source code).
The only part that is NOT speculation is that MS has, previously, LIED in court and submitted FALSIFIED "evidence".
Therefore, there is NO reason to believe ANYTHING MS says about the limitations of their code or design.