There is a fundamental problem that astrology, homeopathy, creationism and any number of possible beliefs, treatments and way of understanding the universe have never overcome. And that is they don't work.
As soon as you pull them out of their own anecdotal and subjective environment and put them in a rigorous test they don't produce result better then chance.
Homeopathy has been put through double bind tests many times, and has produced results that are well within range expected by chance. And that range is very important here. Homeopathy is among the group of methods that has been tested so many times that it is expected to pass some of the tests by luck. That is why science puts so many demands on repeated tests by independent groups.
None of creationisms predictions about the structure of the world or the evolution of terrain features or variations in atomic decay over time hold up. Intelligent design solves this problem by avoiding making any predictions at all, spending all of it's time attacking evolution and pushing itself as the only possible alternative.
In the face of actually working everything else is secondary. Doctors would be perfectly willing, if not happy, to use method that work but for which nobody understands why they work. There are currently any number of drugs for which the method of operation is only partially or not at all understood. Doctors don't like this because it makes it very hard to gauge how much medication a person needs or what side effects to watch out for or how it will interact with other drugs. But if it works it will be used.
That doesn't mean they might not work under some situations for some individuals. Particularly in something as subjective as astrology, it is very likely some will be successful. However, it isn't because of astrology, rather it is their innate intelligence and intuition working behind the scenes.
Nor should that be taken as belief that medicine or science is perfect. The medical field has many flaws that stem from it's practices that treat mental and physical health as being independent entities, even though it is well documented that they are heavily intertwined. While science in general is dealing with problems stemming from the flood of corporate money that has more to do with advertising then real research and outright falsification stemming from excess competition to be the first to reach certain goals.