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New Newt has epiphany - in public
Or this is all made-up - but it's after April, isn't it?
[link|http://www.salon.com/politics/war_room/2007/08/02/gingrich/index.html?source=newsletter| Salon]
Newt Gingrich was looking fit and tanned as he stood before a sea of young conservatives this morning at the [link|http://www.yaf.org/| Young America's Foundation] National Conservative Student Conference. The weeklong event, held at George Washington University in Washington, is billed as an "entry point into the conservative movement," and this year's version featured speeches by Robert Novak, Michelle Malkin and, wrapping up the event Friday night, G. Gordon Liddy. With panels titled "Standing Up to the Left in Hostile Places" and "Liberal Bias in School Textbooks," planners may have imagined that Gingrich would give a lively rah-rah-Republican presentation. They would have been wrong.

Prior to Gingrich's arrival, the crowd -- a mish-mash of polo shirts and pinstriped suits, platform heels and pashmina wraps -- had been worked up by Republican Sen. James Inhofe, who taught them all about the "far left elitists" and their Chicken Little climate change hysteria. Inhofe's PowerPoint included slides of polar bears and "environmentalists" like Leonardo DiCaprio and Barbra Streisand (boo!). He referenced Al Gore's "science fiction movie," and finished off the hour with some good news about the war: "A miracle is taking place now in Iraq," he said, and explained that there is now zero anti-American propaganda in the country's mosques and that American troops, instead of retreating to the Green Zone at night, are now "bedding down" with Iraqi families.

As 9 a.m. drew near, the students started to get restless, turning in their seats to see if Gingrich had come in. Finally, the former speaker of the House -- who'd been introduced as "the most articulate communicator of conservative principles alive today" -- made his way to the stage amid a standing ovation, thunderous applause and cheers.

He began benignly enough, using an anecdote about going to Disney World with his grandchildren to explain an epiphany he'd had about the value of not "thinking like a Republican." From there Gingrich moved into waters the students surely did not expect. He cited the Detroit school system, where a black male is [link|http://www.detnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070709/OPINION01/707090310/1008| more likely to go to prison] than graduate from high school.

"How can we tolerate systems more likely to send young Americans to prison than college?" asked Gingrich. "Republicans have this maniacally dumb idea of red versus blue. They say Detroit is a blue place, so we're not going to go there."

And he was just getting started.

"Republican political doctrine has been a failure," Gingrich said. "Look at New Orleans. How can you say that was a success? Look at Baghdad ... We've been in charge for six years and I don't think you can look around and say that was a great success.

"We have got to get beyond this political bologna. I'm not allowed to say anything positive about Hillary Clinton because then I'm not a loyal Republican, and she's not allowed to say anything positive about me because then she's not a loyal Democrat. What a stupid way to run a country." This last line he nearly spat out, expressing what seemed like genuine outrage. But the response was muted. Tepid applause bubbled up and then died within seconds.

Inhofe had recommended the students read Michael Crichton's "State of Fear" to learn about the global warming hoax, but Gingrich suggested they pick up newly elected French Prime Minister Nicolas Sarkozy's "[link|http://www.amazon.com/Testimony-Twenty-first-Century-Nicolas-Sarkozy/dp/0375425055/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/002-4658639-8200032?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1186087196&sr=1-1| Testimony]."

And finally, when it seemed he'd been as blasphemous as he could possibly be, Gingrich pulled out a whopper: "None of you should believe we are winning this war," he said, referring to the so-called war on terror. "We are in a phony war ... we have not been taking this seriously."

When his speech was over, the students stood and applauded politely, but the volume was distinctly lower than it had been just an hour before.

Outside, a group of young women taking a smoking break discussed what they'd just seen.

"There wasn't a lot of conviction in his voice," observed one.

"There isn't a lot of conviction in politics," answered her friend.

Back inside, the morning's final speaker, Michelle Easton (founder of the Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute), was making the crowd laugh and coo with her descriptions of "those angry feminists whose No. 1 issue is how to dispose of their unborn children conveniently." Whatever bipartisan spirit Gingrich brought into the room had vanished. As, perhaps, he knew it would.

-- Julia Dahl
I've heard nothing about his being committed to a 'clinic'...

How Could This Happen?

New It must be a joke.
Newt Gingrinch commit political suicide like that? No way.
Matthew Greet

Choose Life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television, choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol, and dental insurance. Choose fixed interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisurewear and matching luggage. Choose DIY and wondering who the fuck you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pishing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked up brats you spawned to replace yourself. Choose your future. Choose life... But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life. I chose somethin' else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you've got heroin?
- Mark Renton, Trainspotting.
New Quite possibly not.
In the neocon world, he's already politically tits up. He could be trying to reinvent himself as a leader back to the traditional Goldwater Republican style. Integrity, honesty, small non intrusive government, low taxes, etc... He's got a problem with the integrity and honesty, but after this administration, Idi Amin is looking pretty good. And people have a notoriously short memory span... could work. Scary.
New Newt's always been more complicated than most.
He's a very smart man. He's been on speaking tours [link|http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/05/11/AR2005051101846.html|with Hillary on health care] and don't forget that he worked with Bill on many issues before they had their "shutdown" battle.

He's not the cartoon that many tried to make him in to, but he's not given up politics, either.

Gingrich was on Rumsfeld's Defense Policy Board. He told [link|http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3660761/|Newsweek] in December 2003:

Sitting in his office in downtown Washington, Gingrich searched on his computer for the Web site of the Coalition Provisional Authority, set up in Baghdad to oversee the reconstruction and democratization of Iraq. \ufffdI\ufffdm told over there that CPA stands for \ufffdCan\ufffdt Produce Anything\ufffd,\ufffd says Gingrich. \ufffdHome page of the New Iraq,\ufffd he quotes. Then: \ufffdThe opening quote is, of course, by [CPA chief Paul] Bremer. Next quote is by Bush. Next quote is by U.S. Ambassador Steve Mann.\ufffd He scrolls down. \ufffdNow this is a big breakthrough. They do have the new Iraqi ambassador to the U.S. On the front page. That is a breakthrough,\ufffd he repeats, adding, sotto voce, \ufffdI have been beating the crap out of them for two weeks on this.\ufffd His basic point: where are the Iraqi faces in the New Iraq? \ufffdAmericans can\ufffdt win in Iraq,\ufffd he says. \ufffdOnly Iraqis can win in Iraq.\ufffd

Gingrich argues that the administration has been putting far too much emphasis on a military solution and slighting the political element. \ufffdThe real key here is not how many enemy do I kill. The real key is how many allies do I grow,\ufffd he says. \ufffdAnd that is a very important metric that they just don\ufffdt get.\ufffd He contends that the civilian-run CPA is fairly isolated and powerless, hunkered down inside its bunker in Baghdad. The military has the money and the daily contact with the locals. But it\ufffds using the same tactics in a guerrilla struggle that led to defeat in Vietnam.

\ufffdThe Army\ufffds reaction to Vietnam was not to think about it,\ufffd he says. Rather than absorb the lessons of counterinsurgency, Gingrich says, the Army adopted \ufffda deliberate strategy of amnesia because people didn\ufffdt want to ever do it again.\ufffd The Army rebuilt a superb fighting force for waging a conventional war. \ufffdI am very proud of what [Operation Iraqi Freedom commander Gen.] Tommy Franks did\ufffdup to the moment of deciding how to transfer power to the Iraqis. Then,\ufffd said Gingrich, \ufffdwe go off a cliff.\ufffd

In essence, the Americans never did transfer power. They disbanded the Iraqi Army and the government, realized that was a mistake, and quickly tried to cobble together an Iraqi police force and military. But the Iraqis in uniform today are seen by too many Iraqi citizens as American collaborators. Gingrich faults the Americans for not quickly establishing some sort of Iraqi government, however imperfect. \ufffdThe idea that we are going to have a corruption-free, pristine, League of Women Voters government in Iraq on Tuesday is beyond naivete,\ufffd he scoffs. \ufffdIt is a self-destructive fantasy.\ufffd (The White House insists that it is paying close attention to local politics and has speeded up the timetable to turn over power to the Iraqis.)

The rumor mill in the Pentagon suggests that Bush\ufffds \ufffdexit strategy\ufffd is to get American troops coming home in waves by next November\ufffds election. Obliquely, Gingrich indicates that would be a huge mistake. The guerrillas cannot be allowed to believe that they only have to outlast the Americans to win. \ufffdThe only exit strategy is victory,\ufffd Gingrich says. But not by brute American force. \ufffdWe are not the enforcers. We are the reinforcers,\ufffd says Gingrich. \ufffdThe distinction between these two words is central to the next year in Iraq.\ufffd Gingrich\ufffds voice rang with his customary certainty. Hard to know if Rumsfeld and Bush are listening.

While one can argue with some of his theses, he's certainly put some thought into them.


New Your Google-fu oft astounds
..finding That particular utterance within a noisy sea of 1.666 million 'hits'

Concur that he's no idiot (though his home-life and other ethics appears no better than that of your average manic Aussie CIEIO buying up more news outlets with which to Foxulate without a condom.) Still, manifestly we Are scraping bottoms of barels in search of anyone with an iota of competence in 'Statecraft' ... (author of such a book with that part-title was on Cambridge Forum? recently: a scathing step-by-step litany -- most every piece of which: was omitted by this Admin from 9-12-01 on. It's UGLY when laid out in minimalist Boolean stages - our recent history.)

Maybe, then - his academic training (and of late, Professorship) has reminded him of such early-on debate training as [link|http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/mathew/logic.html| this sort?] -- quite further nudged along by the fact of the complete shambles made.. by every single decision of the Cheney Cabal, since shortly after the toppling of the Saddam statue.

As mentioned already, the Natl. Attn.Span is increasingly shorter, and if Newt remains fully sentient, he might well become a contender for Something -- surely he wouldn't want to be seen associating Himself with the ludicrous mindsets of the listed jackals assembled there, (to try to devolve some merely callow students into My Gramma - a few years down the road?)
Sad that so few of the audience grokked at-all the significance of the content and That Speaker.. are 'conservative' wannabes really [-]outliers, to This Extent??

Should be interesting to catch his Act II - if anyone catches that: please Do report!
(After all, all it needed for Scrooge's rehab - was some wise prescience about LSD in that fertile mind of Charles, eh?)

New :-)
IIRC, I just googled [link|http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&rlz=1B3GGGL_enUS219US219&q=gingrich+2003+iraq&btnG=Search|"gingrich 2003 iraq"]. It's the 8th hit for me.

Don't misunderstand me. If you look at some of his comments from [link|http://www.cnn.com/2003/ALLPOLITICS/04/22/gingrich.powell/index.html|April 2003], it looks like he was playing a role as Rumsfeld's hatchet-man in criticizing the State Department. Maybe it's just a difference of emphasis, but I think it's more a case that he wants to be seen as right in history, so he'll change his comments to fit the circumstances when it suits him.

I don't like Newt much, but he's certainly much more of a statesman than Brownback and people in that wing of the Republican party (who are wedded to a weird wing of Christianity). For example, compare their comments on science and evolution: [link|http://discovermagazine.com/2006/oct/discover-interview-newt-gingrich|Gingrich in Discover], [link|http://redstaterabble.blogspot.com/search?q=brownback|Analysis of Brownback's comments at Red State Rabble].

If Newt runs, I don't think it'll be a whole-hearted candidacy. I think he enjoys the spotlight and enjoys being able to talk about issues, but I think he knows he doesn't have a ghost of a chance (given his relationship to Hillary; given that Obama represents the future and he represents the past; etc.).

New I almost wonder
if he plans to run for President.

With such a packed field, it's easy to forget how EARLY it is in the game for 08.
New I lot of people think that
I almost wonder
if he plans to run for President.

A lot of people think that he is at least considering it. His very public reentry into the US political scene just as the 08 race is getting started is a rather blatant sign.

He has not really gotten much traction so far though. Fred Thomson has pulled most of the Republican "we don't like the candidates" attention.

In any case I don't think he has a very good chance. He can't possibly stake a position as a Washington outsider, he doesn't have a lot of press charisma, he doesn't have a big personal fortune and his history means he will have great trouble pulling in any moderate.

Newt can be very clever though, and he may be angling for a VP slot. Just about any of the Republican candidates that wants to shore up their support with the Republican core will have to look at him.

New Wow! The eye of Newt seeing some light.

Nobody has a more sacred obligation to obey the law than those who make the law. -- Sophocles (496? - 406 BCE)
New Guess he's not running for president
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New Re: Guess he's not running for president
Oh, he's running... and he will win. As the Dems are so found of doing, they will shoot themselves in the foot by running a Hillary/Obama ticket (looks great on paper - the women's and African-American vote should cinch the election). Problem being, that many women don't like Hillary (such as my significant other), don't trust "either" of Obama's Muslim dads, etc... etc... etc...

Gingrich will only need to create a new "contract with America", smile a lot, shake a lot of hands, and kiss a bunch of babies. The hard core "charismatic" right wing of the Repo party will then face a choice at the pulpit - to endorse a "communist" woman "scorned" with a Muslim running mate, or swallowing hard and pushing a "moderate" intellectual who doesn't pass their hard core litmus test. Funny things happen at the voting booth. Even those who haven't been to one in many years might show up to put an end to the Clinton dynasty (legislation through litigation - legalism is ethicism [depending on how you define IS).

Who knows, it might be refreshing to have a president who knows a little about world and US history and is good friends and an astute student of Alvin and Heidi Toffler since the '70's. Hell, I even agree with his forward in Toffler's Creating a New Civilization: the Politics of the Third Wave. Some more tidbits can be found on his website at [link|http://www.newt.org/backpage.asp?art=2649|http://www.newt.org/...page.asp?art=2649] .
Just a few thoughts,


P.S. Some suggested Demo bumper stickers:

Bush: End of an Error
That's OK, I Wasn't Using My Civil Liberties Anyway
Let's Fix Democracy in this Country First
If You Want a Nation Ruled By Religion, Move to Iran .
Bush. Like a Rock. Only Dumber.
If You Can Read This, You're Not Our President
Of Course It Hurts: You're Getting Screwed by an Elephant
Hey, Bush Supporters: Embarrassed Yet?
George Bush: Creating the Terrorists Our Kids Will Have to Fight
Impeachment: It's Not Just for Blow jobs Anymore
America : One Nation, Under Surveillance
They Call Him "W" So He Can Spell It
No, Seriously, Why Did We Invade Iraq ?
Bush: God's Way of Proving Intelligent Design is Full Of Crap
Bad President! No Banana.
We Need a President Who's Fluent In At Least One Language
Bush Doesn't Care About White People, Either
Where Are We Going? And Why Are We In This Handbasket?
You Elected Him. You Deserve Him.
Dubya, Your Dad Shoulda Pulled Out, Too
When Bush Took Office, Gas Was $1.46
The Republican Party: Our Bridge to the 11th Century
One Nation Under Clod
Expand Edited by danreck Aug. 8, 2007, 01:59:27 PM EDT
New Curse You! Red Bar____
er, Dan -- for reminding of the inanity of the present far-too-Long-running slugfest, the repeated misunderestimating of the %Muricans who vote exclusively with the reptile mind ... and the attention span which makes the above a New Discovery, every time. The Horror is, as always -- that we tolerate nay Demand this verbal masturbation - to fill all that empty space within and without.

Welcome back to the urine-stained halls of Wassamatta U.

It seems that the latest round of Demo capitulation has catalyzed the simmering Nation of Discontent - certainly, all over the beluga-sphere, as well as the bogus-o-sphere. Cowards, yes - but do they have some other Hat Trick, you know: Stragedy [??]

I thought of running as an Outsider - the Tralfamadorian Candidate, while carrying prominently my er skin-bound copy of, To Serve Man (along with a paperback of The Curve of Binding Energy -- the blackjack in the velvet glove.) But then, I knew they'd uncover my horrific past, the picketing of a Sister Lab, the drowning of a litter of Repos at-birth (it was the only decent, honourable Thing to do at the time, you see?)

BTW, I'll even concede that, given the hairy troglodytes currently assembled to Take Back Murica from the heathen Commyunists - Newt unarguably possesses functioning jelloware. Along with a bit too-much residual My Gramma stuff still embedded from the heady Human Events daze.

(Gawd, imagine Romney with The Bag Man + Iran + Syria + Turkey + [a much Much cannier -than-thee Putin] --> all under personalgoddirection, with the current aggregated Imperial Powers still in force.)

While I'd prefer Nancy Pelosi in the top spot (immediately after a fully populated-with-Suits Air Force One and Air Force Two collide, as their pilots argue about who gets to land by the Red Carpet first..) -- alas, Nobody loves the Exec, the craven Congress -- and the ones who Love the USSC, well we know about Them.

Things fall apart; the center cannot hold..

WHAT Center ?

Drop by y'hear! - more than a FULL YEAR of transistor-targetted foot-shooting ahead {{ s o b }}

New Re: Curse You! Red Bar____
My amygdala maintains a certain visceral reaction to "Newt's" voice perhaps related to my amphibian brain (get it... newt... hahahahahaha). As we come back to yet another election year (and as you may remember - I hate election years), I have decided that I will "pay attention" this time and, as a newly "engaged and politically savvy" holder of an MS in Leadership/IT, try to fight my knee-jerk Adalai response and perhaps actually vote for a live candidate. I haven't quite decided to join either the red or blue team yet, but can make one conclusive statement regarding this upcoming election. That statement being, "If there is a God that is as described in the Bible, and therefore; an anti-christ as described in Revelation, and that persona is revealed prior to the election and that persona runs against Hillary Clinton, the anti-he/she/it can count on my vote". It is really that simple...

YMMV. ;-)

Just a few thoughts,

     Newt has epiphany - in public - (Ashton) - (12)
         It must be a joke. - (warmachine) - (1)
             Quite possibly not. - (hnick)
         Newt's always been more complicated than most. - (Another Scott) - (4)
             Your Google-fu oft astounds - (Ashton) - (1)
                 :-) - (Another Scott)
             I almost wonder - (Simon_Jester) - (1)
                 I lot of people think that - (JayMehaffey)
         Wow! The eye of Newt seeing some light. -NT - (a6l6e6x)
         Guess he's not running for president -NT - (andread) - (3)
             Re: Guess he's not running for president - (danreck) - (2)
                 Curse You! Red Bar____ - (Ashton) - (1)
                     Re: Curse You! Red Bar____ - (danreck)

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