Re: Guess he's not running for president
Oh, he's running... and he will win. As the Dems are so found of doing, they will shoot themselves in the foot by running a Hillary/Obama ticket (looks great on paper - the women's and African-American vote should cinch the election). Problem being, that many women don't like Hillary (such as my significant other), don't trust "either" of Obama's Muslim dads, etc... etc... etc...
Gingrich will only need to create a new "contract with America", smile a lot, shake a lot of hands, and kiss a bunch of babies. The hard core "charismatic" right wing of the Repo party will then face a choice at the pulpit - to endorse a "communist" woman "scorned" with a Muslim running mate, or swallowing hard and pushing a "moderate" intellectual who doesn't pass their hard core litmus test. Funny things happen at the voting booth. Even those who haven't been to one in many years might show up to put an end to the Clinton dynasty (legislation through litigation - legalism is ethicism [depending on how you define IS).
Who knows, it might be refreshing to have a president who knows a little about world and US history and is good friends and an astute student of Alvin and Heidi Toffler since the '70's. Hell, I even agree with his forward in Toffler's Creating a New Civilization: the Politics of the Third Wave. Some more tidbits can be found on his website at [link||] .
Just a few thoughts,
P.S. Some suggested Demo bumper stickers:
Bush: End of an Error
That's OK, I Wasn't Using My Civil Liberties Anyway
Let's Fix Democracy in this Country First
If You Want a Nation Ruled By Religion, Move to Iran .
Bush. Like a Rock. Only Dumber.
If You Can Read This, You're Not Our President
Of Course It Hurts: You're Getting Screwed by an Elephant
Hey, Bush Supporters: Embarrassed Yet?
George Bush: Creating the Terrorists Our Kids Will Have to Fight
Impeachment: It's Not Just for Blow jobs Anymore
America : One Nation, Under Surveillance
They Call Him "W" So He Can Spell It
No, Seriously, Why Did We Invade Iraq ?
Bush: God's Way of Proving Intelligent Design is Full Of Crap
Bad President! No Banana.
We Need a President Who's Fluent In At Least One Language
Bush Doesn't Care About White People, Either
Where Are We Going? And Why Are We In This Handbasket?
You Elected Him. You Deserve Him.
Dubya, Your Dad Shoulda Pulled Out, Too
When Bush Took Office, Gas Was $1.46
The Republican Party: Our Bridge to the 11th Century
One Nation Under Clod
Edited by
Aug. 8, 2007, 01:59:27 PM EDT
Re: Guess he's not running for president
Oh, he's running... and he will win. As the Dems are so found of doing, they will shoot themselves in the foot by running a Hillary/Obama ticket (looks great on paper - the women's and African-American vote should cinch the election). Problem being, that many women don't like Hillary (such as my significant other), don't trust "either" of Obama's Muslim dads, etc... etc... etc...
Gingrich will only need to create a new "contract with America", smile a lot, shake a lot of hands, and kiss a bunch of babies. The hard core "charismatic" right wing of the Repo party will then face a choice at the pulpit - to endorse a "communist" woman "scorned" with a Muslim running mate, or swallowing hard and pushing a "moderate" intellectual who doesn't pass their hard core litmus test. Funny things happen at the voting booth. Even those who haven't been to one in many years might show up to put an end to the Clinton dynasty (legislation through litigation - legalism is ethicism [depending on how you define IS).
Who knows, it might be refreshing to have a president who knows a little about world and US history.
Just a few thoughts,
P.S. Some suggested Demo bumper stickers:
Bush: End of an Error
That's OK, I Wasn't Using My Civil Liberties Anyway
Let's Fix Democracy in this Country First
If You Want a Nation Ruled By Religion, Move to Iran .
Bush. Like a Rock. Only Dumber.
If You Can Read This, You're Not Our President
Of Course It Hurts: You're Getting Screwed by an Elephant
Hey, Bush Supporters: Embarrassed Yet?
George Bush: Creating the Terrorists Our Kids Will Have to Fight
Impeachment: It's Not Just for Blow jobs Anymore
America : One Nation, Under Surveillance
They Call Him "W" So He Can Spell It
No, Seriously, Why Did We Invade Iraq ?
Bush: God's Way of Proving Intelligent Design is Full Of Crap
Bad President! No Banana.
We Need a President Who's Fluent In At Least One Language
Bush Doesn't Care About White People, Either
Where Are We Going? And Why Are We In This Handbasket?
You Elected Him. You Deserve Him.
Dubya, Your Dad Shoulda Pulled Out, Too
When Bush Took Office, Gas Was $1.46
The Republican Party: Our Bridge to the 11th Century
One Nation Under Clod