Was a judge correct in ordering Microsoft to reveal the coding for itsOf course, we may each ponder the demographic of CNN readers & voters on this topic.. and how many Astroturf Redmond votes are naturally er 'comingled'.
Windows program?
35261 votes
49131 votes
Total: 84,392 vote
Given her style of reasoning, I'm wondering just how much of the minutiae of the 'issue' can be swept aside in some magical burst of - dare one utter such? - Common Sense at Long Last (?) Wonderful multi-edged sword that - each side can hope that Their piece of techno-complexity overly-simplified: Wins.
Is that actually - the best we can do, now? Surely all legal mavens have the interminable IBM case to remind of just How long such dance/pinhead/angel/quantity can be carried on. (A relative of a sweetie worked on that case. She has a sharp mind and was privy to the whole enchilada.. horror story in s l o w motion - but at least IBM Got the Message. Billy is autistic and incapable of 'Getting' anything :(
enjoying for the moment.. at least the possibility of some minor justice occurring...