But most (including self, far too often) excuse the risking of Nothing - via the convenient umbrella of cynicism re all efforts.
Still.. what better windmill to tilt at than -
(Akin to the title of Gore's new book, The Assault on Reason)
- the madness of little-Jesus and his era of Belief VS the cold stats of heaped dead burned bodies, with no end in sight.
Nope, couldn't possibly know her (initial) level on the scale Pollyanna - - -> Machiavelli - but it's irrelevant. She Got Off Ass, as did some initial thousands (in the end - millions) in the Vietnam-I marches, demos, agit-prop.
Murican inertia, it seems - only grows. Takes *a lot* to compete with such profound intellectual fodder as Murican Idol, donchaknow.. 'Less'n your kid gets killed or something.