How could that have been any clearer?
She wanted to awaken the somnolent to get their asses in gear, stop shopping for. a. couple. minutes. and - generally - emulate the actions which the public *had* to take -- to drown out the Noise Machine of Rummy, precisely as the target in Vietnam I was: Robert McNamara, the egually-people-isolated LBJ (and all who sailed in her.)
ONLY 'That-all activity', across all er Rices, creed-Os and badges: proved sufficient to force an end to that 58,000-US-death sausage grinder (and the traditionally uncounted millions of 'collaterals') -- that sooo typical biz-Murican sleaze-buzz word used then ... as now.
We never grow up; we be Peter Pan, but without the joy
and with a galaxy's quota of sanctimony about our Xian-Chosen-peoples'Goodness.As summarized by one person in the [link|| SF Chron] this AM:
"She was a very good mix of the symbolic and the real. She was a real person who lost a real son and wanted real answers from a real president," said Michael Nagler, a professor emeritus at UC-Berkeley and founder of its Peace and Conflict Studies program.
What's so hard (or fuzzy) about That?
(Even if.. Fat Chance! amidst the institutionalized droids who wouldn't recognize
real? wearing an unstained blue dress and with a pile of childrens' severed heads on a silver tray. Anybody remember those very early Shockn'Retch pix of just such er, misunderestimated targetting of a market area? I do.)
Yathink she imagined that weaning millions from their Murican Idol / 10,000 playlists heroin would. be. EZ? Maybe she thought it was, at least - possible?? Sheesh.