She discovered that the system is unfixable, by design - and she found: it Is 'all about the $$' all the time. Big shock to learn both, at once.
Burned out perhaps.. but her mentation has apparently achieved a high degree of clarity about the layers of corruption, the daily deceits which guarantee that little change can ever occur in this bought system - follow the money. (Cheney's new 'diversified portfolio' is a start.)
Waiting ...
for when exactly, some one/group commences the rumors of her Golden Parachute, hideaway in Bimini, etc. ... shouldn't have to wait long; it's the Murican thing to occur next: innuendo confirming her whoredom.
(Maybe a few will help out with the med. bills anyway, despite the next round of character assassination.)
Whatever her state of incineration, though - IMO her characterization of the Murica I've experienced, suggests: her little grey cells are working just fine. She needed no exaggeration in her swan song, even. Most really Do 'care' more about Idol (and shopping) than any of this boring self-government stuff.
Her comment, ... paradigm that is now, I am afraid, carved in immovable, unbendable and rigidly mendacious marble. seems an apt simile for that reactionary jingoism which supersedes all honest debate.
Rove comprehends this factoid thoroughly - it is the root of his every scheme. The sliming of McCain is his model-spreadsheet; that McCain 'made up' with such creatures, in order to acquire more personal power - is not Rove's work, though; it is solely his responsibility (never) to overcome.
(When I first really saw what My Gramma represented - I had little idea that hers was, by far the majority mindset.) Cindy just found that out a bit late; whether or not she encouraged her son's enlistment? / and, that made the difference?? {ugh} might well be an unending torment for her.
It's Good Morning, Vietnam! in America. Again.
May her sense of humor return, and she forgive herself for the naivete of an honorable person: overestimating the collective intelligence - all around.