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New Bill Moyers had more on Goodling in his segment on Regent U.
[link|http://www.pbs.org/moyers/journal/05112007/transcript1.html|Keeping the Faith] (also called "God's Grad School?" in other links there).

BILL MOYERS: Carly Gammill is one of the many promising students to graduate last week.

CARLY GAMMILL: Part of the goal of many of us who are going out from this institution from here on to make it clear and accurate what it really means to be a Christian leader to change the world, which is not to indoctrinate anyone but to share the truth and to offer the truth and to rely on the truth in the way that we handle our lives as an example to others.

ANNOUNCER: "Carly D. Gammill\ufffd

BILL MOYERS: Gammill is going to work for one of Regent's best-known alumni.

Jay Sekulow earned his PhD from Regent arguing that it's okay for judges to decide cases on the basis of their religious beliefs. Sekulow now heads up Pat Robertson's American Center for Law and Justice, and was hand-picked by the White House to be an advisor on judicial nominations.

Last month, when the ascendant majority on the Supreme Court upheld a federal ban on "partial birth" abortion. Sekulow declared victory for the religious right and for Regent.

JAY SEKULOW: Well the end result is that many of the findings of fact that the Court made in NY, the finding of fact in our favor about the horrific nature of this procedure were incorporated in this decision that came out today.

BILL MOYERS: Sekulow's legal group wants to roll back other Supreme Court rulings that uphold gay rights and the separation of church and state. They'll have the help of Regent's finest.

CARLY GAMMILL: I intend to help further the administration of justice and to do justice. And I believe in absolute truth, and I believe in absolutes. Not grey, you know, not relative truth but absolute truth. And that is what God's word is.


CARLY GAMMILL: The importance to me of having the Biblical foundation in the law is because of my belief that God's law is the highest law. And not that earthly law and you know the law of this world is necessarily supposed to be exactly the same, but just to understand what God's law and what the word of God does have to say about the different issues that affect our culture.

JOSHUA BLAKE: Instead of promoting the individual's liberties necessarily, we are looking at what's good for people as far as these values that are found in the Bible.

BILL MOYERS: Those were the values that motivated Monica Goodling when she graduated from Regent Law, Class of 1999. This is her Web site from her days as a student.

After graduation, Goodling worked in the war room of the Republican National Committee in the campaign of 2000, doing opposition and attack research with this man - Timothy Griffin--shown in this BBC documentary, "Digging the Dirt."

After the election Goodling and Griffin both wound up in the Justice Department under the new attorney general John Ashcroft.

Their stars rose quickly. Griffin served as a top aide to Karl Rove. Goodling moved up to be senior counsel to Ashcroft's successor, Alberto Gonzales. She also held the portfolio as liaison between the department and the White House. At 33 years old you can't get much more powerful than that.

But her power has landed her smack in the middle of the controversy surrounding the firing of 8 Federal prosecutors. She had been the link to the White House in the hiring and firing of Justice Department lawyers . . . what's now a fast-evolving scandal.

It's all more than a little creepy.

There's a nice [link|http://www.pbs.org/moyers/journal/05112007/transcript2.html|interview] with the editor of Reason magazine (a Libertarian journal), too. He almost sounds reasonable. ;-)

New I saw it.
Did you also catch [link|http://www.crooksandliars.com/2007/05/06/romney-at-regent-treading-lightly-on-facts/|Mitt Romney speaking at Regent]? Kissing Pat Robertson's ass!

When fascism comes to America, it'll be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross. -- Sinclair Lewis
     The talented Ms. Goodling - (rcareaga) - (10)
         for hiring someone like her, he is obviously incompetent to - (boxley) - (3)
             Too late. - (scoenye) - (2)
                 Oh that is too bad - (GBert) - (1)
                     It has that look doesn't it? -NT - (scoenye)
         Bill Moyers had more on Goodling in his segment on Regent U. - (Another Scott) - (1)
             I saw it. - (a6l6e6x)
         I believe one must start at the top (W) - (tuberculosis)
         If this hasn't got legs - - - (Ashton)
         Lines found on the web this morning - (rcareaga) - (1)
             An apt paraphrase of some Words of Wisdom oft stenciled - (Ashton)

Cruisin' fer burgers in Daddy's new car...
77 ms