All one need do, to train-up another suicide bomber is: to hand an impressionable young tyke a particular book-translation, state repeatedly over the formative years that it - is [The Only] Revealed-Truth-kinda-Thing.. There Is.

Tell the tyke that the only way he's ever going to have sex (with a homo-sap type biped, anyway) is if/when a properly financed marriage can happen; ie - maybe never / then tell him that there's a loophole: if he blows self up [for the sake of a mentioned character in this innocent 'book'], he can have n-"virgins".
(They must be as inexperienced as he, natch - lest there be laughter, unconducive to.. never mind.)

The explosives are a readily available commodity. As are the 'books'.
Which is the more dangerous object here?

Rest case.