Asked the defendant "Where exactly in your ad does it say 'photo only'?" early on, and never let her answer. When the dumb-ass defendant had found it and tried to point it out, the dumb-ass "judge"[*] kept telling her to shut up. Hey, dumbass, you ASKED for this yourself, only minutes ago!
So she's HARDLY "smarter in one finger than you'll ever be even if you live to be a hundred and twenty / a hundred and fifty[+]" -- they were ALL FOUR of them equally fucking stupid.
The smartest person in the room was OBVIOUSLY the bailiff. Or, OK, perhaps one of the camera men. (The audience? Come on, THINK for a second!)
[*]: Is she really one? (An ex-one at the most, I hope -- AT LEAST not practicing in REAL courts at the same time as she performs in this travesty.)
[+]: She got it mixed up; couldn't remember what she'd said HERSELF from one minute to the next.