Hey all,
I got a nice Canon digital camera, the Powershot A530, and I can take photos with it fairly well so far. However, we have been unable to download any of the images yet. When we try, the computer freezes up. Even when he installed the software that came with it, it still freezes.
John said that we had been having problems with Windows Image Acquisition Service. It had been freezing my scanner awhile back, so he put the scanner on some sort of manual operation to cause it to stop. So what we would like to know is if we go buy a media reader, does that piece of hardware also use the same Windows Image Acquisition service, because if it does, we may still have the problem.
Any suggestions would be welcome as to how to solve this issue, thanks!
P.S. Edited because I have the A530 not the A540 so I fixed it. Sorry, both numbers were on the manual cover.