The reticence cloaks an unorthodox agenda. "We are the first ones doing what we might call lab science in intelligent design," says George Weber, the only one of Biologic's four directors who would speak openly with me. "The objective is to challenge the scientific community on naturalism." Weber is not a scientist but a retired professor of business and administration at the Presbyterian Whitworth College in Spokane, Washington. He heads the Spokane chapter of, a Christian organisation that seeks to challenge Darwinism.
George Weber was kicked off the board for saying that. Nonetheless, someone who believes the natural cosmos is not best described using naturalism got on the board of a science research lab. Yep. The directors are surely interested in an honest enquiry of the nature of the Universe.
Oh, great! A new PR agency for taking conclusions out of context that focuses on microbiology and genetics. Now that the university researches are guarding against this trick, I predict a new strategy of misquoting from the simplified, PR statements of biotech companies.