I agree that women talk more than men. We have better developed verbal skills and are better able to process thought/emotion into spoken language. We have anatomical and physiological differences in our brains that allow us to do this.
But to suggest that we get a "high" from listening to ourselves talk is rubbish. I suspect the flood of neurotransmitters the author is referring to (likely oxytocin, dopamine and endorphins) is linked to the intimacy that forms by sharing thoughts/feelings. Not from the pure joy of listening to ourselves prattle on. Relationships, love, bonding. It's all chemicals.
And to suggest that women only think about sex once a day is also rubbish. Any normal, healthy woman with a tolerable stress level thinks about sex a lot. Trust me on this. But when woman struggle to play "superwoman"- working outside the home, maintaining a household, raising kids, well, something's got to give. At that point sleep or even watching TV becomes a lot more appealing than sex. We are just too damn exhausted.
Otherwise, the rest of the article holds water.