Post #274,180
11/28/06 9:56:46 AM
[link||http://www.dailymail...0&in_page_id=1879] And, if that wasn't enough, the simple act of talking triggers a flood of brain chemicals which give women a rush similar to that felt by heroin addicts when they get a high. thanx, bill
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 50 years. meep
Post #274,182
11/28/06 10:19:25 AM
So talking is the female equivalent of sex.
All those women you see driving or shopping with a cell phone pressed to their ear are actually j/yacking themselves off.
No wonder they crash so often.
Post #274,194
11/28/06 11:34:32 AM
Well, if they could find a man who knew what he was doing
They wouldnt have to resort to talking on the phone to feel satisfied, now would they?
Post #274,203
11/28/06 11:58:38 AM
Well, if they pulled the phone out of their ear . . .
. . and looked around they might actually find one.
Post #274,215
11/28/06 1:03:41 PM
Finding one is not the problem
They're out there if you're not too picky. Finding one with a skill set that goes beyond "Insert tab A into slot B" is another matter entirely.
Post #274,216
11/28/06 1:11:03 PM
But when they see one of those . . .
. . they get nervous because "that's just not normal".
Post #274,220
11/28/06 1:17:15 PM
Oh no they dont!
They thank their lucky stars and end up very happy and content. If you listen closely you can even hear them purring.
Shhhh. Hear that?
Geez, it's no wonder you're single.
Post #274,223
11/28/06 1:20:17 PM
Oh, get a room you two...
Post #274,225
11/28/06 1:37:20 PM
So it took you how many years . . .
. . to notice this guy you're with now?
Post #274,231
11/28/06 2:21:03 PM
Good thing I noticed.
Post #274,188
11/28/06 10:42:34 AM
Oh Bull
I agree that women talk more than men. We have better developed verbal skills and are better able to process thought/emotion into spoken language. We have anatomical and physiological differences in our brains that allow us to do this.
But to suggest that we get a "high" from listening to ourselves talk is rubbish. I suspect the flood of neurotransmitters the author is referring to (likely oxytocin, dopamine and endorphins) is linked to the intimacy that forms by sharing thoughts/feelings. Not from the pure joy of listening to ourselves prattle on. Relationships, love, bonding. It's all chemicals.
And to suggest that women only think about sex once a day is also rubbish. Any normal, healthy woman with a tolerable stress level thinks about sex a lot. Trust me on this. But when woman struggle to play "superwoman"- working outside the home, maintaining a household, raising kids, well, something's got to give. At that point sleep or even watching TV becomes a lot more appealing than sex. We are just too damn exhausted.
Otherwise, the rest of the article holds water.
Post #274,885
12/5/06 3:49:49 PM
Women talk three times as much as men...
to compensate for the fact that men hear only a third of what women say! :)
(Or, words to that effect from Jay Leno.)
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