But you can't change the culture around you unless you want to be a hermit. Its a fact. So you have to deal.
I live on an island. The waters around the island are dangerously cold with swift tidal currents that switch direction twice a day. The safest thing is to stay out of the water. That's what I tell my daughter. Stay out of the water.
But we had a few hot days last summer where a dip in that water looked pretty darn attractive. And of course, she likes to go to the beach, wade out a ways and look for seaweed and shells - not really in deep, but still, she is experimenting on the edge.
So I'm teaching her to swim. For the day when she ends up in the water. At least she'll have the tools to stay safe.
The problem with the wingnuts is they don't want anyone to learn to swim - whether they plan on going in or not.