that as much as we Enemies of Freedom can do here at IWT, much as we yearn for the coming of the Global Caliphate and for the violation by the mujahideen of your wife, daughter and mother—well, you have to understand that we're realists. Nothing we can do here, and for that matter nothing we could do by flying to Iraq, North Africa or Afghanistan, could hold a candle, not even a votive candle, to the measures taken by the Ayatollah Bush and his mullahs to advance the cause of Islamic world domination that is, as you have cleverly detected, our secret agenda.
I admit that the initial invasion of Afghanistan five years ago had us worried, but the Ayatollah Bush (praise be upon him!) saw farther, deeper than we did. He has instead turned Iraq into a gigantic recruiting poster for our anti-American jihad, while at the same time so neglecting the first notional target that...well [link||consider]. Certainly we poor partisans of Islamic domination can at least find common ground with you in the certainty that this administration (praise be upon it!) knows best.
I'm happy for you, incidentally, that having slipped away from the authoritarian regime that governed your birth you have had a soft landing in one that is philosophically simpatico [link||in all the important respects].
in solidarity,