I mean, it's not worth fighting with while you're having a good time.

I'll try making clearer instructions when I get some time. Until then, maybe someone can tell what's wrong with what I sent:

I'm using [link|http://gaim.sourceforge.net/|Gaim] (a beta version available [link|http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=235&package_id=253&release_id=440695|here]).

Some notational conventions:

"->" means click on the Menu word on the left side of the arrow, then click on the word that appears on the menu that's listed on the right side of the arrow.

The settings below are for [link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=267892|Peter's Jabber server].

You need to tell Gaim the machine you want to connect to, and some other settings. In the version of Gaim I have (a beta version), you do the following:

Accounts -> Add/Edit

Basic tab:
Protocol: Jabber
Screen name: nameofmychoice (whatever you like, but it must be unique to Jabber on the server)
Server: guildenstern.dyndns.org
Resource: IWeThey (whatever you like to help you remember which Jabber account you're setting up)
Password: apassword (whatever you like - it's to keep someone else from logging in as your screen name)
Alias: MyAlias (whatever you like. This lets you associate a "real" name with a screen name, if you like. It's what you (but nobody else) sees with that screen name's text.)
Remember Password: (Checked)

Advanced tab:
Leave everything as is, but add
Require TLS: Checked
Connect server: guildenstern.dyndns.org

Hit the "Register" button

You should get a popup saying: Register New Jabber Account
Username: nameofmychoice (already filled in)
Password: apassword (whatever you entered above)
Name: MyAlias (whatever you entered as the Alias above).
e-mail: me@myemailserver.com (whatever e-mail account you want to use)

Hit the "Register" button. You should get a popup that the Registration was successful.

In the Buddy List window:
Buddies -> Add a Chat

Account: nameofmychoice@guildenstern.dyndns.org (already filled in)
Room: ziwt
Server: conference.guildenstern.dyndns.org
Handle: nameofmychoice (already filled in)
Password: apassword (what you chose above)
Alias: MyAlias (whatever you entered above)
Group: Buddies

Hit the "Add" button. You should see a light bulb with "MyAlias". Double click on it.

You'll see another window popup labeled "MyAlias" with a Topic, and various time stamps and a list of handles who "entered the room". When someone is in a room, they're logged in and may be available to chat.

Hope this helps, or at least inspires someone to straighten out the instructions enough to get you in the chat room.

Good luck! Have fun! :-)
