but they aren't getting 2900 of them at a time.

So there is, at least, a slight difference.

What I find more tragic is that in Iraq, the terrorist/insurgent attacks are killing there own...with very little "point"...so for some that could be considered even more tragic.

Edit: Point to above paragraph is also echoed in Malegaon blasts in India. The anger/bitterness I attach to cowards who decide to blow people up while mourning and/or at their place of worship is just as present while reading those stories. Again, not as powerful as the WTC because of personal stakes...but still there.

And at least one point of our current regime does carry some validity. Look at [link|http://www.lexpress.mu/display_article.php?news_id=72279|these acts]. This is the new enemy. Find a crowd of civilians and blow them up. Don't tell anyone why or offer an acceptable middle ground. They don't agree with my reading of war and peace...so they (and their children) deserve to die.