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New Not entirely invalid.
With fruitflys there simply is no nurture so that's irrelevant. It does, however, cleanly demonstrate the effect of nature. Now, with critters high enough developed for nurture to be a factor, can nurture overcome it?

In my opinion, often yes, but nature can make the risk factors simply too high, as in the case of pit bulls. They are "just so sweet and gentle" until the day they aren't. Nurture being 99% effective just isn't enough.
New hogwash, pits are a dog, canine no more vicious
that a chihuahua. They do have a very high tolerance of pain (dont feel it hardly at all) and they are extremely strong and stubborn but if not placed in a situation where those traits are prized or placed with a non dog understanding humans they are fine safe animals.
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 50 years. meep
New Speaking of vicious chihuahuas
New sneaky little bastards arnt they :-)
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 50 years. meep
New I find that easy to agree with . . .
. . I consider all dogs viscious (and smelly) and dislike the entire lot of them regardless of size, tolerance for pain, strength and/or stubbornness.
New well, they are not all bad, dog soup is popular in places
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 50 years. meep
New Yeah, like next door.
Remember, this area is subject to rapid continental drift. Over the last few years it's drifted from Armenian to Korea.

In one of the condos next door, every once in a while they have a whiney or constantly barking dog tied up in the garage. Then a couple of months later there's no dog. Then some months later there's a dog again.

Now I'm not accusing them of eating dogs, there could be some other explanation, but they are Korean . . .
New ICLRPD (new thread)
Created as new thread #265514 titled [link|/forums/render/content/show?contentid=265514|ICLRPD]

Purveyor of Doc Hope's [link|http://DocHope.com|fresh-baked dog biscuits and pet treats].
New But a houseful of dead fish isnt smelly at all...
New Naw, he douches his house regularly
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 50 years. meep
New Fresh fish isn't smelly - and . . .
. . I don't buy any that is smelly because it isn't fresh. Immediate processing, prompt and thorough cleanup and disinfection of all tools and work surfaces keeps the facility safe and non-smelly.

Fish not eaten same day is frozen and shrink wrapped. Only place there's any fish smell at all is in the freezer compartment (I freeze spread out on plastic and before wrapping because faster freezing means better fish).
New Just cooked some catfish tonight. YUM!
I know, not very exotic, but it keeps the Critterman happy!

[link|http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Amy%20Rathman|Pics of the Family]
New I had a client wander in to pick up a compuer . . .
. . while this big boy (6-1/2 pounds) was sitting on the dining room table for his photo session.


His comment: "Ummmm . . you like catfish?". On the other hand, I don't think a guy who's password is "NASCAR" is going to have a big problem with catfish.
New YANandrewLRPD (new thread)
Created as new thread #265531 titled [link|/forums/render/content/show?contentid=265531|YANandrewLRPD]

[link|http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Amy%20Rathman|Pics of the Family]
New Now, I will confess to a particular resentment . . .
. . for the relaitionsip between women and their dogs.

I've dated several women who had dogs. It was always, "No I can't stay, I have to go home and feed the dog".

Ok, that's a good excuse for getting out of a situation - but after having sex?.

I'm sorry, but a woman who, after having sex, is not ready to stick around for breakfast is, in my opinion, pretty damned worthless.

And of course they always say, "Oh, having this dog is such an inconvenience, I wish it weren't so . . . ". But guess what - the day the dog dies they go out to get another one.
Expand Edited by Andrew Grygus Aug. 20, 2006, 09:56:21 PM EDT
New who cares if they are worthless you already got laid
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 50 years. meep
New Yeah, but that's not enough.
Maybe that's what scares 'em - they're used to guys like you.
New I always loved a woman who would sleep over
know what you mean, more to sex than sex.
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 50 years. meep
New You cant leave a dog alone all night.
unless you want a present on your carpet when you get home.

Why is it so odd that she would leave after sex? She stayed for the good part. That says something.

Maybe you snore.
New Commentary:
  • A "present on your carpet" is about as good a reason to dislike dogs as I can think of.

  • No, that's leaving in the middle of the good part. There's still a good night's sleep in a comfortable bed (without the long late night drive home), plus fresh brewed coffee and breakfast in the morning, and there might be other stuff too.

  • I do not snore - unless I'm sleeping flat on my back but being flat on my back keeps me awake so snoring is not a problem. Not for her anyway, I've suffered more nights with a snoring woman than I care to remember.
No, I'm still blaming it on the dog and on the woman for having one.

New Then dont pursue women with dogs.
Problem solved.

1. If you are a responsible dog owner you dont leave your dog alone for hours on end, thus avoiding said presents.

2. Go spend the night at her house- she can be there for her dog and for you. You still get to sleep in a comfy bed without anyone having to drive home. You can still have coffee in the morning and other stuff, too.

3. One side of your mouth says you want the women to sleep over, the other side says you are tired of suffering through their snoring.

Only non-dog-owning, non-snoring types need apply?

New Then don't pursue women with dogs.
Real good advice that I'm already following. Singles ads that say "must love my dogs" translate to "Automatic Disqualification".

And for your other points:

1. I would much rather not be a dog owner than be a "responsible dog owner".

2. Every woman who's slept with me more than once has expected a delicious home cooked dinner with a nice bottle of wine - and that pretty much means it'll be served here. I don't expect that to change because that's the kind of women I attract - ones that are tired of cooking. Fortunately that's a really big pond with a lot of fish in it.

3. Fortunately most women don't snore much, I did tough it out for a long time with one who started with moderate intermittant snoring but over the years increased to a non-stop and non-stopable health destroying rhino-roar. Fortunately I was finally able to break off that long term relationship cleanly when she started expressing a strong opinion that my failure to support my President in time of war constituted treason.

So yeah, non-snoring non-dog owning would be really nice - as would be someone who shares my opinion that it's the President who's treasonous.

And speaking of dogs, I whish the Koreans next door would hurry up and eat the one they've got in their garage - it barks incessantly day and night.
Expand Edited by Andrew Grygus Aug. 23, 2006, 10:15:57 PM EDT
Expand Edited by Andrew Grygus Aug. 23, 2006, 10:22:23 PM EDT
New ICLRPD (new thread)
Created as new thread #265737 titled [link|/forums/render/content/show?contentid=265737|ICLRPD]
Impeach Bush. Impeach Cheney. Do it now.
New dupe
Expand Edited by bionerd Aug. 20, 2006, 08:10:09 PM EDT
     Single gene turns docile fruit flies into fighters. - (Another Scott) - (28)
         Not useful in nature vs nurture debate - (warmachine) - (25)
             Good points. We'll see. :-) -NT - (Another Scott)
             Not entirely invalid. - (Andrew Grygus) - (23)
                 hogwash, pits are a dog, canine no more vicious - (boxley) - (22)
                     Speaking of vicious chihuahuas - (broomberg) - (1)
                         sneaky little bastards arnt they :-) -NT - (boxley)
                     I find that easy to agree with . . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (19)
                         well, they are not all bad, dog soup is popular in places -NT - (boxley) - (2)
                             Yeah, like next door. - (Andrew Grygus) - (1)
                                 ICLRPD (new thread) - (drewk)
                         But a houseful of dead fish isnt smelly at all... -NT - (bionerd) - (14)
                             Naw, he douches his house regularly -NT - (boxley)
                             Fresh fish isn't smelly - and . . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (3)
                                 Just cooked some catfish tonight. YUM! - (imqwerky) - (2)
                                     I had a client wander in to pick up a compuer . . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (1)
                                         YANandrewLRPD (new thread) - (imqwerky)
                             Now, I will confess to a particular resentment . . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (8)
                                 who cares if they are worthless you already got laid -NT - (boxley) - (2)
                                     Yeah, but that's not enough. - (Andrew Grygus) - (1)
                                         I always loved a woman who would sleep over - (boxley)
                                 You cant leave a dog alone all night. - (bionerd) - (4)
                                     Commentary: - (Andrew Grygus) - (3)
                                         Then dont pursue women with dogs. - (bionerd) - (2)
                                             Then don't pursue women with dogs. - (Andrew Grygus) - (1)
                                                 ICLRPD (new thread) - (Silverlock)
                         dupe -NT - (bionerd)
         Variation on Clockwork Orange - (ChrisR) - (1)
             Thou sayest - (Ashton)

That would make a great .sig!
174 ms