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New Re: Western nicities vs tribal reality

We all know we are different from the tribes of Afghanistan in terms of political evolution (well I hope we do).

For those countries who have evolved to running & maintaining paid full-time standing armies - it is pointless to argue the merits of the 'national' army of a politically crippled region about what constitutes their national army when they are a loose knit confederation of tribes & ethnic groups.

No matter what we have done to Taliban or think of them (exclusing covert ops maniacs) Taliban brought some sanity & internal stability to a very troubled region that was tearing itself apart. The Taliban *were* in control & it is blatantly naive if anyone tries to argue that they gained control because they were bullying thugs who took over - fact is they fought a coalition of squabbling murderous tribal groups and were welcomed by a lot of the Afghan population who had no stability.

Our dislike of the Taliban is for three reasons :-

1) Their idea of Sharia law is intensly distateful to us.
2) Omar took a liking to Bin Laden and Bin Laden's dream of an Islamic empire encompassing all the 'Stans' & any where else they could impose a religious theocracy.
3) That they wouldn't allow US to build an oil pipline across their territory.

Now moving on to who governed & controlled Afghanistan - the Taliban did -

What did Timothy McVeigh control - the fuse to a big bomb -

What defines a soldier vs a terrorist ?

McVeigh attacked unarmed innocent civillians who had no idea what his problem was (neither did he really)

Al-Qaeda trainess who intend attacking innocent unarmed civillians are not soldiers by any definition (Koran, Bible, Geneva)

So it can't be all that difficult to follow the wording of the Geneva convention that clearly (as in 1st post) explains the differences.



New Disagree
Let me start with a question.......
why do you think it even matters whether a government
"recognizes" another or not? If you can become legitimate
without any formal recognition.....why are some countries
so persistent about withholding it?
The short answer is that it DOES matter. Its a fundamental element in the
doctrines surrounding how de facto and de jure States come into being.

Even the United Nations refused to recognize the Taliban.

Final point.......if we give individual detainees POW status
it would mean that we recognized them as legitimate troops of their state.
This would mean that those individuals could not be tried for their acts of terrorism any more than a US Pilot could be tried for murder for acts
committed during prior wars. Moreover, the would HAVE to be released once hostilities were deemed to be over.
Why does this make sense?
--------Streak of batpiss---------
New Geneva Convention, Article 4, subsection 3.
First off, you claim:
"Final point.......if we give individual detainees POW status it would mean that we recognized them as legitimate troops of their state. This would mean that those individuals could not be tried for their acts of terrorism any more than a US Pilot could be tried for murder for acts committed during prior wars. Moreover, the would HAVE to be released once hostilities were deemed to be over.
Why does this make sense?"

And so I quote from the Geneva Convention

Article 4
"A. Prisoners of war, in the sense of the present Convention, are persons belonging to one of the following categories, who have fallen into the power of the enemy:"

Subsection 3
"3. Members of regular armed forces who profess allegiance to a government or an authority not recognized by the Detaining Power. "

Even if no one officially recognizes the Taliban as the legitimate government of Afghanistan, their troops are still POW's under the Geneva Convention.

It's all there in black and white.

Too bad, soo sad for you. :(
New Theres that loose definition again.
And to think...>is< is so much more concrete.
You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New Re: Western nicities vs tribal reality
I think you are ignoring that the Taliban were mainly a Pashtun group which bought, wheedled, tortured, murdered, and ultimately used mercenaries (al Qaeda) to do the dirty work on the Turkmens, Hazaras, Uzbeks, and Tajiks. To say they brought stability to these folks is like saying the U.S. government brought stability to the native Americans.

That being said, we can now argue about the merits of their rule. Errmmm...I'm sure there were some...at least for the Pashtun in the south who then only had one warlord to answer to instead of several.

At the end of their reign, it was fairly clear the Arab Afghanis were the real power behind the regime. So, we have here a group of murderous thugs who ultimately sold out their own country to another bunch of murderous thugs who decided that discrimination is wrong and that murder should be Politically Correct and more widely practiced.

Some legitimate government, that.
Gerard Allwein
New Re: Western nicities vs tribal reality

Your points bring us back to issues such the 'Contras' vs the Sandanistas.

The only way I believe anyone could fairly argue who the thugs & who the murderers were (in that conflict) is to pick a side then by that very act we have a likely picture of one's opinion. But one could just judge each side based on its deeds.

From your post I could unfairly conclude that to you the Contras were heroic liberators fighting against an oppressive bunch of murderous commies. But seeing as how the Contras so accurately fit your description of the Taliban, I might fairly conclude you support the view that the Contras were murderous mercianaries.

The real issue all this is about is the status of the captured Taliban fighters & as to if they deserve to be treated as POWs. I really do find it depressing that so many people among us find it so easy to view them as having no rights. I don't like them (Talibanis or Al-Qaeda volunteers) but this insistance on calling them detainees with no Geneva rrights (to whom we can do what we want) is as intrinsicly nasty as what Hitler's glorious followers did to those 'scum Jews & Gypsies'.

But I am sure we are in agreement about one uncomfortable fact - that US really does need to be aggressive in extracting all the info possible from the hard cases captured among Taliban fighters during the conflict. But I don't have what ever it takes to strip anyone of what I really believe are their rights to do this. So I am chicken in that I am glad someone else is doing the dirty work - cos dirty work is just what it is.

We really are forced to put our faith in the people acting all this out - I just wish I had a bit more faith in them & their values & judgement

Doug Marker

New Re: Western nicities vs tribal reality
Ah, relativism, the U.S. has no right to pick and choose its enemies and friends because then the U.S. is just like the bad guys. Get a grip.

The Sandindistas were a bunch of murdering thugs who took over from the ruling murdering thug, Samoza (whom, by the way, they murdered in a bomb blast in Argentina several years after gaining power). The U.S. supported that bastard, that was wrong. The contras were indeed a bunch of pretty nasty guys, but in the end the U.S. forced a democratic election and the ruling nuts lost...even after the left wing in the U.S. had supported them. I get misty eyed over left wing intellectuals telling us after the election that the Peeeeple were simply to ignorant and steeped in Spanish heritage to accept the socialist future the intellectuals had laid out for them...sniff...

The real issue is not really the status of the captured Taliban. The real issue is the "cultures" and "religions" that spawn such reckless hate. And it is a reckless hate. They have nothing to offer except Sharia law and hatred of all of who reject it. There is no room for culture, economic life, etc in their philosophy. In short, they will never be happy until they've installed hell here on earth with the expectation that Allah will pimp them 70 virgins in heaven.

And if you want an argument, the POW agreements were developed by the Western nations after WWI and WWII for different times. I think they should be held up for review to see if they are still adequate or if they need to be changed. Those documents were drawn up with the expectation that most POWs thought like Judeo-Christians. This lot doesn't and the documents need to be revisited.

That being said, the U.S. should adhere to the documents as is and treat the prisoners as good old-fashioned POWs, as long as the debate alluded to above gets started.

And we will have to wring information out of them, but if we have to resort to torture, then it isn't worth it...and it won't work anyhow because a tortured prisoner will say anything. Any real information isn't going to come from this lot of prisoners. The Big Shots always take care to look after themselves and consider it a gross mistake to get caught. Same with Enron, Watergate, Mullahs, Jihadis, the entire Clinton administration, etc.

And whether the U.S. likes it or not, the current argument with the Islamo-Fascists comes down to who kills who first. Of course if you have no belief in the U.S. or what it stands for (at least in good light), then we're simply as bad as they. Doesn't matter, kill or be killed.
Gerard Allwein
New As you've broadened the arena, maybe I can agree
with the common thread:

It has been US policy all along - to pit one brand of murderous thug against another, opportunistically (and ever short-sightedly as IS our National preoccupation with quarterly result$). Our duplicity becomes apparent mostly in contrast to our putative "love for and support of that slippery ideal, democracy": for US purposes - the "next democratic regime" we always support, has been, without exception I can recall (?)

The One which shall promise to support our interest$ / POV ever after the Democratic Revolution\ufffd we funded.

In present case (not Nicaragua) - tell me again... [oil] where our virtually sole [oil] 'Interest*' has been re Anything! whatsoever to do with the er Afghani Peepul ??

* prior to 9/11 - and after, Actually - after the War on Evil! spin conflates or retakes its proper relationship to $$$.

Yours for More Sincere US Policy Assessments,

New Re: As you've broadened the arena, maybe I can agree
Nicaragua -- 1990 - Sandanistas lost because of "it's the economy stupid", the U.S. had an embargo on. That and pressure from others in the Americas pushed the Ortega into calling elections...which he lost.

Philippines -- 1986 -- U.S. assists Philippinos in giving Marcos the bum's rush.

Panama -- 1989 -- U.S. clocks one Pimple Face Noriega to give the Panamanians their country back.

Kuwait -- 1990-1991 -- U.S. gives the idiot rich boys in Kuwait their country back after it was stolen by one Saddam, Butcher of Baghdad.

Kosovo -- 1999 -- U.S. crumbles Milosevic, Butcher of Serbia for being an asshole. Of course, Clinton caused the problem in the first place by giving the Big M. the Dayton Accords which more or less gave him free reign in "Serbian" territories. Even then we had to "lead" the weenie Europeans, our "partners" in NATO.

Afghanistan -- 1980-1989 -- U.S. rips Soviet Union a new asshole for attempting to instill puppet regime.

Afghanistan -- 2001 -- U.S. rips Islamo-Fascists a new asshole for being an asshole's asshole.

Yes, the U.S. has helped set up the initial conditions that caused some of these problems. But the U.S. had help. I think the U.S. has done a fine job of going back and correcting some of the problems even if it was in the U.S.'s own self interest. The interesting point was that the U.S. actually FELT is was in its own self interest. Now if only we'd perform a little more correction on Saddam and Saudi Arabia. In every case, except the first Afghanistan sortie, the U.S. has consisting pushed for democracy.

Now if only we could get the Bush administration to push for democracy in PCs and rip M$ a new asshole.

By the way, Bill Gates, the Allwein House Rodent, was recently eaten by one Ariel and Tinkerbell Allwein, a pair of Siamese cats. A search is currently under way for a new house rodent, who too shall be named Bill Gates. Any applicants should not feel squeamish about eventually being DWE (Dead While Eaten).
Gerard Allwein
New Cackle.. cackle.. Ulp!.. chomp..
Ah, would 'twere so simple - scaled up to 5'-Rodent-size. Redmond Mountain Oysters on the half-shill.

I kinda like Rick Moen's little sig
The genius of you Americans is that you never make clear-cut stupid moves, only complicated stupid moves that make us wonder at the possibility that there may be something to them that we are missing. --Gamel Abdel Nasser
But I have no problem agreeing too, that.. just often enough (!) we indeed went in to [something] with rather fine sentiments - and occasionally we even got out with those intact!

As a few eloquent posts in the past, 'in defense'.. have illustrated: dismissing Muricans as Just the more silly (and occasionally transparently self-serving) exploits would suggest - is as inane a POV as the pure-jingoism is. {sigh}

At least we aren't firing our best State Dept. 'experts on er communism' - for likely bein communists anymore. But if we really are gonna be Pax Americana indefinitely, methinks we have GOT to discover a way to bring sane, articulate debate into our [ugh] 'political process': for maybe the First time?

I mean - we can muddle along with all this sloganeering stuff, when just keeping the trains running. We can't! run the entire &^#$& World! on that babble. 'Cause if we do: Imagine Rev Foulwell ... .... in 37 language translations.

Rest case.

George Carlin for Minister of Plain &^$&*%# Speech on complex topics.


     The Taliban are NOT the Afghan National Army - (Mike) - (43)
         Re: Male-cow-dung!!! - (dmarker2) - (42)
             So what does or doesn't count as a national army? - (marlowe)
             Obligatgory nit-pick - (mhuber) - (1)
                 Re: Of course ... - (dmarker2)
             Hmmmmm - (Mike) - (38)
                 Simple. - (Brandioch) - (26)
                     Yes you are - (Mike) - (25)
                         That is so amusing. - (Brandioch) - (24)
                             Have to give him McVeigh.... - (bepatient)
                             For Christ's sake do some research. You embarrass yourself. - (Mike) - (22)
                                 It is not I who cannot read. - (Brandioch) - (21)
                                     Response - (Mike) - (20)
                                         No particular need to go farther - (Ric Locke) - (19)
                                             I think you misread Brandioch. - (Another Scott) - (9)
                                                 Nice post - (Mike)
                                                 Hey Scott. - (mmoffitt) - (7)
                                                     So crack dealers are POWs when arrested, right? - (bepatient) - (4)
                                                         Start a new thread. - (Brandioch) - (1)
                                                             Go ahead. We'd probably agree on its failure. - (bepatient)
                                                         So.. where would the War on the Constitution go? -NT - (Ashton) - (1)
                                                             As a plank in the Republican Platform I suspect. -NT - (mmoffitt)
                                                     N.C. eh? - (Ashton) - (1)
                                                         Have family in Asheville. - (mmoffitt)
                                             I have a request. - (Brandioch)
                                             I have to disagree as well.... - (Simon_Jester) - (2)
                                                 Minor point - POW must be let go when War is over. - (a6l6e6x) - (1)
                                                     But.. how long might a War on Evil last? Hmmm? - (Ashton)
                                             Psych 101A now? - (Ashton) - (4)
                                                 dis en zhin oo' os ness - (Ric Locke) - (3)
                                                     Ah well.. on That level - - (Ashton) - (2)
                                                         Oh, absolutely. - (Ric Locke) - (1)
                                                             Yes, I think it is that arcane.. - (Ashton)
                 Trouble with imagining that redefinitions work - (Ashton)
                 Re: Western nicities vs tribal reality - (dmarker2) - (9)
                     Disagree - (Mike) - (2)
                         Geneva Convention, Article 4, subsection 3. - (Brandioch) - (1)
                             Theres that loose definition again. - (bepatient)
                     Re: Western nicities vs tribal reality - (gtall) - (5)
                         Re: Western nicities vs tribal reality - (dmarker2) - (4)
                             Re: Western nicities vs tribal reality - (gtall) - (3)
                                 As you've broadened the arena, maybe I can agree - (Ashton) - (2)
                                     Re: As you've broadened the arena, maybe I can agree - (gtall) - (1)
                                         Cackle.. cackle.. Ulp!.. chomp.. - (Ashton)

Anality R'US.
96 ms