Treating the uninvestigated members as POWs until 'evaluated' - was the ORIGINAL topic here. Those investigated and deemed to 'belong in custody' at our Cuban HQ - for forensically provable reasons - shall open the next can o' worms:

Are there *any* restrains on our handling of these prisoners that we will cop to? While they are waiting? - indefinitely - as surely the length of this WarOnEvil must be indefinite: because it is a nonsense phrase.

Propaganda will be the title of this next sub-War. What will we do with/to the lifers? And what will the world/allies make of the secrecy: I suppose that we won't allow any inspections.

Stay tuned - it may take longer than bringing M$ to some form of Murican Justice. And as far as we know - they only contributed to Ed Curry's death.
