Post #257,958
6/7/06 8:14:12 AM

You've have a good eye.
Where do you live that you have so many roses blooming already?
Follow your MOUSE
Post #258,086
6/8/06 1:47:16 AM

I live on the west coast, about 100km east of Vancouver, BC in a little burg called [link|,-121.972555&spn=0.034725,0.091839&t=k&om=1|Vedder Crossing]. It's near where the road crosses the Vedder River. go figure. :-)
Have fun, Carl Forde
Post #258,111
6/8/06 9:17:14 AM

Well, your flowers are beautiful
And so is your eye for composition and portraits.
Since you're a fellow gardener, do you have any tips to get rid of rabbits? They've gnawed through my perennial bed. I just planted a several big lavender plants and they're almost chewed to the ground. Now they've started chewing up my annuals- even the marigolds, which I didnt think any animal would eat. A friend of mine recommended fox urine, so I got myself some of that (was a bitch collecting it!) but that's not working either. They only thing they're not eating is the mint- and that is so invasive I wouldnt care if they did. I'm not a violent woman, but Thumper and his little friends are very close to getting clubbed.
Also, I planted 50 strawberry plants and the squirrels and skunks dug up every last one of them.
Follow your MOUSE
Post #258,112
6/8/06 9:19:48 AM

Invite Andrew over
Not only will your flowers be safe, you'll get a delicious meal out of it.
Purveyor of Doc Hope's [link||fresh-baked dog biscuits and pet treats]. [link||]
Post #258,114
6/8/06 9:25:46 AM

I really did LOL when I read that!
Firstly, I dont think I could stomach what he cooks. Secondly, he wont come out. He's a big old candyass (to borrow Amy's word) who wont sit in an airplane for that long.
Follow your MOUSE
Post #258,143
6/8/06 11:31:05 AM

I LOL'ed about the fox urine!
Post #258,153
6/8/06 11:59:27 AM

You're supposed to be baiting rabbits and squirrels . . .
. . not me.
Post #258,201
6/8/06 3:27:22 PM

Who you kiddin?
You know you'd much rather have me baiting you than the rodents.
Follow your MOUSE
Post #258,150
6/8/06 11:53:15 AM

The curator of spiders at the museum doesn't get out much -
. . and gets a bit lonly, but she has her plants.
Just yesterday she got permission to put them out in the sun on the roof. It didn't work out well, but she knew what to do.
Post #258,385
6/10/06 2:56:58 AM

I'm no gardner
the garden came with the house. about the only gardening I've done is kill dandylions and cut grass. the flowers are basically growing wild at the moment (except the orchid, it's in a pot).
for the rabbit problem, have you considered an [link||owl]?
Have fun, Carl Forde
Post #258,391
6/10/06 8:46:54 AM

Well, I do have a plastic owl
perched on the fence, but the critters simply ignore it. I never considered attracting a real owl into the yard- thanks for that link.
We had a dog last year, and she did a good job keeping the animals out. We had to get rid of her though. She was psychotic. Maybe an owl is the answer.
Follow your MOUSE
Post #258,397
6/10/06 9:43:22 AM

Very nice linky. Thanks.