Couldn't go.
On Friday, I was feeling a little cranky. Thought it was just a mood, then I get home and find out that the little boy brought a bug home with him earlier in the week. Realized that the throbbing headache I had wasn't inspired by the numbnuts idiot I had to deal with at work, but a little viral visitor.
Spent friday night and saturday morning having deep and philosophical conversations with Ralph, the Porcelain God. The universe decided to teach me how to dance the green apple quickstep yesterday, and I couldn't afford to be more than thirty seconds from a bathroom at any time. I had tickets for Cirque du Soleil on Saturday, but there was no way I was going to make it - and I didn't want to give the bug I had to the friend I had invited to go, so she went on her own.
I also didn't want to give the bug to my grandfather, what with how his health is, so I stayed here.
Grandpa is feeling pretty well right now, but they've got some drainage bags hooked up to him, and according to mom that's what was going on with a relative of his just before they died from something similar. Hope this isn't the big one, but it may be.
When somebody asks you to trade your freedoms for security, it isn't your security they're talking about.