Post #247,728
3/13/06 12:52:30 PM
3/13/06 12:57:18 PM

Update With Good News! -- and thanks for the input
I agree, Scott, I know better than to settle for that agreement, and I held out for a better one, like Hnick said.
Here's the good news, and a little more explanation for any who want it.
Dori explained that the agreement would be first for 2 weeks (to see how it goes), and the idea behind not talking to a lot of other people for that time, would be to keep most other people out of the mix between Katie and I. That actually made some sense, (as in less verbal interference while we try to figure this out), and the 2 weeks was better than open-ended.
Dori also asked me when I disagreed with the contract, to state what I would be willing to do to attempt this. She now gets that if she tells me I can't talk to anyone else, it would eat me up inside. John and a couple other good friends also added their input to get this point across.
So... now we are working to put together a better agreement. Here are some of the basics:
I can share anything and everything with John, several private groups, private e-mail, and most offline people I choose, (other than family), including you guys (even though you aren't private, IWT is exempt), if I need to for coping, clarification or support.
I can talk to my mom, and several other specific people with basic concepts and feelings, but not share the actual e-mail process and such directly with her. This will keep her out of the mix with Katie, and prevent a lot of the confusion that continues to result from mom trying to be the interpreter. Katie would also have to keep Ria out of same (not share e-mails, etc. with Ria.) We now have a better interpreter who is objective, which is turning out to be a lot better.
I can't mention anything about Katie in my public Yahoo group for the 2 weeks. (this will be the hardest, but I think I could do it. It would be good discipline to try, anyway).
And I will refrain from mentioning anything much about the process anywhere else that's public, other than a statement or something saying how I feel, "The process is going well", "the process is stressing me out", etc.
That's the gist, the contract still isn't written, and we are still stuck on the issue of the monthly letter, but this one actually sounds like it might work. Dori is really throwing herself into this, she's reading all the history in my group about the problem, excerpts from my letters, and I gave her the reunion group archives to read also.
And for the first time in months, the following things have happened: Katie admitted we have a problem. Katie stated she wanted to work at resolving it. Katie finally gets that my Yahoo group is PUBLIC and that anyone can read it. (It's hard to make less computer-savvy people get things sometimes). and Katie and I both said we still missed and loved one another.
In my opinion, there's no reason to try this plan, at least give it a chance, now that all the pressure about talking to certain people has been resolved. I think I could actually try this, and it has a chance of actually working.
When I get the actual contract, (like I said, it's not written up completely yet as we are still hammering it out, but all together now, rather than her writing it on her own), I can post it here if you want.
Thanks, each and everyone of you for all your support, sorry I was losing it the other night. It still may not work, at least I'm realistic about it, but I figure I've tried this long, I should try this before actually giving up.
"When you take charge of your life, there is no longer need to ask permission of other people or society at large. When you ask permission, you give someone veto power over your life."
By Geoffrey F. Abert

Edited by Nightowl
March 13, 2006, 12:57:18 PM EST
Update With Good News! -- and thanks for the input
I agree, Scott, I know better than to settle for that agreement, and I held out for a better one, like Hnick said.
Here's the good news, and a little more explanation for any who want it.
Dori explained that the agreement would be for 2 weeks, and the idea behind not talking to a lot of other people for that time, would be to kee most other people out of the mix between Katie and I. That actually made some sense, (as in less intereference while we try to figure this out), and the 2 weeks was better than open-ended.
Dori also asked me when I disagreed with the contract, to state what I would be willing to do to attempt this. She now gets that if she tells me I can't talk to anyone else, it would eat me up inside. John and a couple other good friends also added their input to get this point across.
So... now we are working to put together a better agreement. Here are some of the basics:
I can share anything and everything with John, several private groups, private e-mail, and most offline people I choose, (other than family), including you guys (even though you aren't private), I need to for coping or clarification or support.
I can talk to my mom, and several other specific people with basic concepts, not share the e-mail process and such directly with her. This will keep her out of the mix with Katie, and prevent a lot of the confusion that continues to result from mom trying to be the interpreter. We now have a better interpreter who is objective, which is turning out to be a lot better.
I can't mention anything about Katie in my public Yahoo group for the 2 weeks. (this will be the hardest, but I think I could do it).
And I will refrain from mentioning anything much about the process anywhere else that's public, other than a statement or something saying how I feel, "The process is going well", "the process is stressing me out", etc.
That's the gist, the contract still isn't written, and we are still stuck on the issue of the monthly letter, but this one actually sounds like it might work. Dori is really throwing herself into this, she's reading all the history in my group about the problem, excerpts from my letters, and I gave her the reunion group archives to read also.
And for the first time in 8 months, the following things have happened: Katie admitted we have a problem. Katie stated she wanted to work at resolving it. Katie finally gets that my Yahoo group is PUBLIC and that anyone can read it. (hard to make less computer-savvy people get things sometimes). and Katie and I both said we still loved one another.
In my opinion, there's no reason to try this plan, at least give it a chance, now that all the pressure about talking to certain people has been resolved. I think I could actually try this, and it has a chance of actually working.
When I get the actual contract, (like I said, it's not written up completely yet as we are still hammering it out, but all together now, rather than her writing it on her own), I can post it here if you want.
Thanks, each and everyone of you for all your support, sorry I was losing it the other night. It still may not work, at least I'm realistic about it, but I figure I've tried this long, I should try this before actually giving up.
"When you take charge of your life, there is no longer need to ask permission of other people or society at large. When you ask permission, you give someone veto power over your life."
By Geoffrey F. Abert
Post #247,744
3/13/06 1:50:49 PM

Contract? Shove it up their collective asses. You're all adults; act as such. You shouldn't need a "contract" to sit down and work things out.
-scott anderson
"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
Post #247,755
3/13/06 2:55:31 PM

Re: WTH?
You're all adults Now there you're on shakey ground :)
Post #247,770
3/13/06 3:31:12 PM

I was basically saying, "act your ages".
-scott anderson
"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
Post #247,776
3/13/06 3:49:56 PM

Short explanation
This is a contract only to enter in to with Dori for her to help interpret for the two of us, without too much outside interference. It isn't a contract for how Katie and I will behave in a friendship. It's like Katie and I speak two different languages or something, as we come from totally different upbringings, and Dori is a neutral party.
When Katie and I are together, or lately, the physical symptoms for each are extreme, her blood pressure rises and my heart pounds and I dehydrate. so we can't discuss it calmly based on that fight-flight thing in both of us.
Dori helped Katie already understand that I don't feel "safe" around her in a panic-anxiety sense, so the translation process is working so far. She isn't on anyone's side, just trying to help us understand one another better, and it seems to be starting to work.
I know it isn't a permanent fix, but if Katie and I can get some understanding of how each of us tick, we may be able to work things out in a better way in the future.
I figure I owe this one more try, because it does affect the entire family, with a huge ripple effect.
"When you take charge of your life, there is no longer need to ask permission of other people or society at large. When you ask permission, you give someone veto power over your life."
By Geoffrey F. Abert
Post #247,806
3/13/06 6:47:27 PM

No it doesn't
I figure I owe this one more try, because it does affect the entire family, with a huge ripple effect. I hope this isn't to blunt for you, but: BULLSHIT!It only affects people who choose to be affected by it. That clearly includes you. I'll bet there are a bunch of people who don't give a shit. Probably including some poeple you think you're doing this for. Stop doing things because you're worried what other people are going to think. If there's something you want to do for yourself, knock yourself out. If it's for someone else, tell them to do it themselves. You do anything other than that, and you deserve every bit of pain you get.
Purveyor of Doc Hope's [link||fresh-baked dog biscuits and pet treats]. [link||]
Post #247,877
3/14/06 3:57:45 AM

Why, I have before me - - my copy of Dick Feynman's
What Do You Care What Other People Think? \ufffd 1988 by Gweneth Feynman and Ralph Leighton; W.W. Norton. Inc.
Just in case anybody thought it a nutty question to ask (?)
But we have to recall that, not so long ago - every little girl was warned about the underdeveloped male emotional centers; apprised of the fact that She would have to do all the caring (and teaching of 'how to care'), not only for her mate and offspring, but for Herself. It was, simply Her Nature\ufffd so: Get Used To It, Sweetie.
Then Sylvia Plath suicided and .. ... (how many men ever read The Bell Jar ?)
Ahh... it's all so fucking complexificated by the social ""sciences"" and Bowdlerized by The Tube and its noisy offspring - no wonder the canaries are all getting sick at once.
So much reprogramming to do ... so little time -
Post #248,262
3/17/06 1:37:13 PM

Re: Why, I have before me - - my copy of Dick Feynman's
What Do You Care What Other People Think? Ashton, I would think that you would understand the most. It turns out not to be not about what other people think, at least not with my cousin. With my SIL, yes, but I've already ceased to care about my SIL's opinions. With my cousin, it's more like she talks one language and me another. We're discovering that more and more. And this person, this translator, she is showing us that, which is really wonderful. So we are making progress, and learning to understand what each one means by a particular term or word. After all, most words are meaningful to the person in their own definition, and to understand the person, you need to understand their interpretation of the words. :) It's actually kinda neat, learning how differently we interpret things and how that's helping us understand where we went wrong. Brenda
"When you take charge of your life, there is no longer need to ask permission of other people or society at large. When you ask permission, you give someone veto power over your life."
By Geoffrey F. Abert
Post #248,369
3/17/06 10:44:05 PM

Agree.. horse of another color
Noticing how Very-differently people set their priorities can cancel a bit, the hostlity of first friction. Most of us draw the line (it's Work..) when the gap seems just too large to even try.
(And Nobody can tell you what "too large" means in the gap-business, either. There's rarely a Necessity of 'explaining', for all obvious reasons. 'Why?' is what 2-yos continue to ask.. even into their dotage.)
Post #248,370
3/17/06 10:56:27 PM

Re: Agree.. horse of another color
Noticing how Very-differently people set their priorities can cancel a bit, the hostlity of first friction. Most of us draw the line (it's Work..) when the gap seems just too large to even try. (And Nobody can tell you what "too large" means in the gap-business, either. There's rarely a Necessity of 'explaining', for all obvious reasons. 'Why?' is what 2-yos continue to ask.. even into their dotage.) Exactly. And I'm trying to jump that gap. I don't know yet if it is too large, guess I'll let you know if I make it to the other side. :) Brenda
"When you take charge of your life, there is no longer need to ask permission of other people or society at large. When you ask permission, you give someone veto power over your life."
By Geoffrey F. Abert
Post #248,259
3/17/06 1:30:47 PM

To clarify
I do want to do this for myself, also.
But I'm doing what you all have said, and standing up for myself. And believe it or not, it's beginning to work. :)
Too complex to explain now, and I'm sure you don't want to hear, but just know that major breakthroughs are being made, and that's progress. :)
"When you take charge of your life, there is no longer need to ask permission of other people or society at large. When you ask permission, you give someone veto power over your life."
By Geoffrey F. Abert
Post #247,880
3/14/06 7:16:53 AM

Contracts for relationships?
That's a big red flag right there.
You're leaving town on the Fucked Up Express.
This is Fucked Up with a capital "Fucked Up".
Stop pissing around with "I can say this, but not say that, and I can email, but not show mom" and start growing up.
This is STUPID.
Peter [link||Don't Let The Terrorists Win] [link||There is no K5 Cabal] [link||Home] Use P2P for legitimate purposes!