I know, Andrew... problem is, every time I fight them for something, it upsets the entire family... my mom is 76 years old, she can't be so upset all the time...she can't be crying all the time...she's sad because I'm sad, so then I try not to be sad, and then she's sad anyway because she knows I'm trying not to care... and this affects so much... my brother, my sister, my dad who is 82, none of us need this stress. SIL isn't going away, I won't give in to her. Not giving in to her upsets Katie. Upsetting Katie upsets mom...

How do I take care of me without hurting everyone else????

What are you fighting for? Will it matter tomorrow? Next week? Next month? Next year? 10 years from now? Is the fight worth it?

You saying "I won't give in..." makes you sound just like my wife with her fight d'jour. Two of her daughters have moved out last month, and one is pregnant. She is very interested in finding out how they are. But they haven't called. And she won't call them. "I am mom. I have medical problems. They should be calling me. I won't call them." I've called the girls (without wife's knowledge). They are waiting for her to call them. So, due to my wife's stubbornness, she is getting more depressed. I've told her to call, but she won't. So I've taken myself out of the discussion. Right now she'd rather lose contact with her daughters than give in.

Turn those feathers into a protective shell. You are not "hurting" them when you stick up for yourself. Pick your battles, things that are important long term, not what movie you go see, or what color decorations you use....

edit: complete rewrite