Islam (remember this is what Muhamed told us) teach us. not to put any barrier between us and God, no priest, no church, no nothing, anyone can speak to God, directly, no stones, no walls, no nothing
And think about it, if there is a God, wouldnt this be the only way ....
That part is quite sensible. What I never understood is why Islam has so many rules about how to pray, since those are simply barriers of another form.
this is part/kinda what i meant by script authenticity, we are almost sure of the source of the scripts in islam, we know exactly who repeated them to who and so on and so force, a strict method was used to validate them
nothing like this i heard exist in any other religion
search for the word "isnad" or "sanad"
look here too [link||]
Isnads are only important because Islam includes so much material as things said by Mohammud that are not in the Koran itself. Christians consider the Bible alone as being the word of god, and thus there is less question about which parts are authentic or not. Also, you should read the Wikipedia entry closer, none of the hadith exactly match. Isnads accepted in one collection where rejected in the others and thus there must be at least some errors.
this is mainly what i wanted to add,
when i said the script is brilliant, i truely mean it
If you really want to get into an argument over the validity and accuracy of the Koran, head over the Religion forum. But I'll warn you, there are quite a few posters here that are very knowledgable about such things.