In islam, between muslims the debate is usually, mind vs script.
The choice of the word mind is probably misleading and hurts muslims.
Usually, to know what to do, you have one of two choices, find a script that tells you what to do, or use ur mind.
By using your mind you rely on logic common sense, and you own personal (potential wrong, evil, misguided or stupid) opinion
Being a sctrict muslims, means, that for all matters for which an authentic script made a choice, you have no choice, dont think about the issue, just follow what the script say.
That is a pretty common argument among Christians also. And from what I have seen it works out the same way among Muslims as it does among Christians. Everybody says they are going by the simple text of the script/book, but in fact there is a huge number of conflicting beliefs about what the script/book says and means.
Every group is to some degree selective about what they obey and they reject, what parts / books / versions / schools they believe in, and which leaders they accept as correct and which they consider wrong. This means that reason is always a factor, but the strongly religious generally prefer to ignore that point.
Muslim women, wearing veils isnt such a big deal, what wrong in being modest? I'd even suggest that a women walking half naked is like sexual harrassment.
If that is what the Muslim women want to wear then fine. But far too many Muslims think they have the right to enforce their religion on others. Take the situation in Afganistan, where women wear the heavy robes becuase they fear for their lives if they do no, or France, where many Muslim women where for the head scarf ban because they wore them only out of fear.
The problem is, to really debate a strict muslim, you have to study his script, because to really oppose someones ideas, you have to first know what they are.
Which is a two way street, and undertanding of America is just as rare in the middle east as any undertanding of the middle east is in the US.
Christian, dont have and I think never had scripts as rigourous and as authentic as the muslims scripts, this is why in christianity when the pope rule its the pope will
In islam, in strict islam, we dont have such a thing
In most versions of Islamic history, Islam came pretty close in the period right after the death of Muhammad. But once the Shia / Sunni split happened there was never a single unified Muslim religion and thus no chance a single absolute authority like the Pope could remain.