This reply is for the whole thread, not just to Another Scott. Just clarifying that.
First, I didn't create this long oft sidetracked thread. I asked one question, and got a few answers, which was the intent.
My original post said:
I'm supposed to create a graphic for each of the following eras in History, but I can't remember much about each one. I still intend to do a search online, but am looking for ways to narrow it down, because I think I'll get way too many hits if I put in the eras themselves.
If anyone can think of something that is symbolic to any of the following, or can remember anything about the following that might help, please reply. I would appreciate having something more specific to search on. Thanks in advance for any help!
Now, note that I made this post at 12:28 p.m. The answer I got and used I got at 12:43 p.m. I was supposed to be at mom's at 1:00, and I left at 12:48 p.m.
Also note that in my original post, I did not ask you all to do everything. I didn't ask you to do extensive searches, or even google or anything. I asked if you could think "using only your brain" of something that symbolized each thing. Why did I ask you that, first, because I was pressed for time, and second, because someone suggested I ask OTHER PEOPLE, and Internet searches are not people. The idea was to get an association between one era and one item, if possible, something that most everyone would grasp represented that era. I also clearly said that I still intended to do the more intensive searching myself.
Now, I don't have to explain myself, as I've learned in here in the past, but I will this time, for old time's sake. And I'll dodge all the rotten tomatoes you all will choose to throw at me after I do. ;)
It makes more sense for you to brush up on what you've forgot than for us to explain the six eras/collections/whatever you asked about. That's why I suggested the Wikipedia - in a page or two you'd have quite a bit of information indicating what was important about each one. From there, you could do an image search pretty efficiently.
I have stated in here many times, (I believe), that I do not like or trust Wikipedia. I consider any source that just anyone can go add to or change is unreliable and how would I know truth from non-truth. I much prefer a real encyclopedia, (preferably in my hand, but barring that, online). So I did not check it out. Nor would I have had time that morning, as I was not sitting here at the computer between making my post and printing off Steve Lowe's reply. I was loading my car, warming it up and getting the rest of the stuff together to take to mom's.
Something else you all did not know, is that the meeting was cancelled at first, so I thought I had more time to do the research, as I got the terms late the night before. Then the meeting was suddenly back on, with barely enough notice to eat breakfast, gather things and get there. Not that any of that matters to you all, or should.
In your reply to Ben you wrote:
I'm on dial-up.
Searching for images takes hours just to load them.
Only if you don't do reasonable searches. It wasn't that long ago that I was downloading 600+ MB files (Linux .iso files) on 28k dialup. Image searches can be done without pain if you plan ahead. For instance, if you go [link||here] and select "Return images that are Small", then you'll get small thumbnails of the images. Once you narrow the search down, you can then switch it to "Return images that are Any Size" and find a more appropriately sized image.
This is news to me. This will elicit screams and groans, but I have also said over and over, that I use Yahoo for the most part to search. I have gotten very good at Yahoo searches, at knowing how to eliminate factors, add factors in, string things together, etc. Yahoo, as far as I know, doesn't have such a thing as an "image search", or if it does, I haven't used it. I know less about Google, and I know it has more facets, but the only one I've used now and then is the News facet. Why don't I use Google more? Probably because I learned on Yahoo, know less about Google, and I'm already logged into Yahoo to run my groups, so it's convenient. But again, even to use Yahoo that morning, I had no time. I had to leave ASAP, so I posted the quick question, did various things away from the computer to get ready, came back and checked, had a good reply, and printed it off.
As for finding the images themselves, I wasn't planning to search the Internet for them, I was planning to search for them in Print Shop, which is what I use to make my graphics. (Yes, I know Photo Shop is better, but also way more expensive and not necessary for the little things I do). I just wanted some words to go on to plug into my Print Shop Search window from an online search.
I, and I suspect most others here, enjoy being helpful. But you need to do your part too. Part of that means doing elementary searches to refresh your memory when possible. Being on dial-up isn't an excuse.
And when it is possible, I DO do my own searches. As I have said, it was a rushed deal. As I stated in my original post, I intended to do my own searches based on my own guesses and anything you all offered up, later. And I still intend to do the searches, I just had other obligations today, and may have to help mom tomorrow as she had surgery on her leg recently. Are these good excuses, maybe they aren't, but they are what was.
So I'm not sure how a simple question, shot off in a hurry, caused all this hubbub about how stupid or lazy I am. I'm not stupid, and most everyone is guilty of being lazy sometimes. But I wasn't being lazy then, I was being creative. I told my mom on the phone that morning I had no ideas searched yet, but maybe if I did a quick post in IWT someone would give us something to go on. And thank you, Steve, for that good reply, because it served as the basis for our discussion at the meeting, and gave us more to investigate further.
It puzzles me, honestly, how some of you treat the other females on this board with such compassion, love and care, how you can run to their aid and offer support when they need it, and yet when I poke my head in, it's time to throw tomatoes. Well, if I'm the Scapeowl of IWT, then so be it.... if you all need one and I fit the bill, who am I to tell you to stop. Just as long as we all know what's really happening, and be honest about it, that owl-persecution has become a favorite hobby of some of you.
I've rarely seen you call the other females stupid, or lazy. I've rarely seen you chastise them. Oh, there are exceptions, but the majority, no. And what I see here is an attempt (in this thread) to make me feel like I did something entirely wrong, something that was bad or a no no, when all I did was ask a question quick because I was in a rush. I simply won't be condemned for that.
Nice to know my sojourn back into these hallowed forums has been so "entertaining" for some of you. It's been a blast.