- at least for embarrassed Numbah-One Muricans it did - and suddenly the man in the street (there were NO Malls) heard for the first time since grammar school: the word science .. a word easier to pronounce than nuclear (that, right on through 2006, amidst the rurals.)
What happened on October 4, 1957, O history buff?
Sputnik Happened.
...was going beep.. beep.. beep.. (long before Our BeeP was going.. dada)
Overhead. ^^Waay^^ Over. Head. and over a Lot of Heads
FEAR.. loathing.. pie-on-face.. Vengeance! [mustbethosekidnappedNaziScientists]
Gnashing Of Teeth.. 9/11 with only Symbolic Body Parts to Avenge
And voila! suddenly in rural-Murica (that area between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans - umm, those large thingies of salt water) it was considered Marketable to find about about this science-stuff; by Jingo we weren't about to let a bunch o' primitive Russkies besmirch the Competitive Nature of Murican Entrepreneurs! NossirreeBob | You Betcha: lets put this'yere science Out for Bid. Raat NOW.
And the rest, as they say is: largely, history (though there's a herstory there, too - - -
at long last, brainy-gurrlz were Not immediately drowned after confirmation (or before that, in states what cudn't pronounce big words. Like nukular..))