Periodically ... simply (on Moz)
Tools > Cookie Manager. Hey, even Shrub could manage that.

There are only a few sites for which I Want to retain long-term cookie presence (for *My* evident convenience; not theirs. And I know where they Live.)

The rest can be nuked in seconds, and by now I Know the Names.. of the ugliest, even. (And if I skip a data-collector - next Spybot run will smugly remind me.) Seems a modest price, given the overall madness; going on 4.5 years sans RRR, so I ain't been cookie-bit yet.

And yeah, don't we all remember the 3.x , early 4.x days when you Did turn off jscript, and initially - cookies too. But today, who wants to surf with a lead surfboard?

Cute, your example - moused over weather / it said Edit? / plugged in Santa Rosa CA et viola! Got SR and not NYC. Now THAT's interfacing for the Masses.

Not sure I wanna register, but will peruse a bit more, anon. Bitchin demo though...